Inflation Rate for February 19.67 Percent, Price of Lettuce Increases a Record 35.19 Percent

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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) announced the consumer and producer inflation figures for February 2019 today (March 4).
Accordingly, the Consumer Price Index (TÜFE) for February increased by 0.16 percent compared to January, by 19.67 percent compared to the same month last year.
The Domestic Producer Price Index (Yİ-ÜFE) increased by 0.09 percent compared to January and 29.59 percent compared to February 2018.
In January, the inflation rate increased by 1.06 percent on a monthly basis, by 20.35 percent in comparison with January 2018 and by 17.16 percent when compared to twelve-month averages.
12-month inflation rate 17.93 percent
According to the TurkStat figures, when the 12-month averages considered, the consumer prices increased by 17.93 percent and domestic producer prices increased by 29.97 percent. Compared to December 2018, consumer prices increased 1.23 percent and domestic producer prices increased 0.55 percent.
Yearly change in the inflation rate.
Highest increase in health expenditures
In the main expenditure groups in the Consumer Prices Index, the highest increase in February was measured in the health group with 2.48 percent.
Expenditures for education increased by 1.64 percent, food and non-alcoholic beverages increased by 0.9 percent, restaurants and hotels increased 0.87 percent and transportation increased by 0.71 percent.
The highest decrease in prices was measured in the clothing and shoes group with 4.81 percent. Inflation for miscellaneous good and prices decreased by 0.39 percent, entertainment and culture by 0.37 percent and communication by 0.34 percent.
Record price increase for lettuce
In terms of the consumer prices, highest increase was measured in the price of lettuce with 35.19 percent. Parsley followed it with 23.97 percent, red cabbage with 18.66 percent, dill with 13.62 percent, cucumber with 13.02 percent.
Highest decrease in men's sweaters
The highest decrease was recorded in the prices of men's sweaters with 14.99 percent. Tomatoes followed it with 14.66 percent and women's jackets with 13.62 percent.
Highest yearly increase in food and drinks
The highest yearly increase in consumer prices was measured in food and non-alcoholic drinks with 29.25 percent. Miscellaneous goods and services followed it with 28.08 percent, household goods with 27.59 percent, entertainment and culture with 20.43 percent and restaurants and hotels with 19.79 percent.
Prices of 235 items out of 418 increase
Out of 418 items that were included in the index, prices of the 235 increased in this month. 154 items' prices decreased. (HK/VK)