Inflation exceeds expectation in April: 10.85 percent

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Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) has announced inflation stats of April.
Inflations has increased by 1.87 percent in April, reaching 10.85 percent on annual basis.
Consumer Price Index (TÜFE) has increased by 4.69 percent in April compared to December of last month and climbed to 10.85 percent. Domestic Producer Price Index (Yİ-ÜFE) has increased by 8.03 percent compared to December 2017, and 16.37 percent compared to April of last year.
According to TÜİK stats, as of April 2018 consumer prices have marked an increase by 11.06 percent and domestic producer prices by 15.36 percent when monthly average is taken into account. On monthly average, TÜFE increase by 1.87 percent and Yİ-ÜFE by 2.60 percent.
Inflation has affected USD/TRY rate
Starting the day with 4.16, Dollar/TL, the rate set a record exceeding 4.23 after the inflation rates were announced.