Indictment of Journalists in Court

The third indictment of the Union of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK) investigation was prepared and sent to İstanbul 15.High Criminal Court.
Most of the suspects are journalists and they are accused of "being member of a terrorist organization" and "being manager of a terrorist organization" at the indictment.
According to the reports in the newspapers, at the 800-page indictment that was prepared by specially authorized İstanbul Public Prosecutor Bilal Bayraktar, 44 suspects are alleged to take place at the KCK press committee organization.
Trial case consists of 102 folders.
They are in jail; their letters are at bianet.
The journalists were taken into custody within the scope of KCK investigation in Turkey and arrested on December 24, 2011. Some of these 36 suspects- most of them journalists- wrote to bianet's "Imprisoned journalists are telling their 'crimes' " section:
Ramazan Pekgöz: "A Drama Consists Of Formality"
My travels for news, telephone calls, Karayılan interview that I went to trial and was acquitted, my criticism of government while I was talking on the phone with Halil İncesu-the cartoonist of our newspaper are among the elements of crime.
Mazlum Özdemir: "First, I Was Ashamed To Write About It"
Our agency and its journalists are targeted because DİHA was the first agency that reported the realities in Uludere Massacre. That's to say DİHA was the first agency which showed that villagers/smugglers were bombed by warcrafts.
Kenan Kırkaya: "These Arrests Are Threats To Opponents"
The police officer jumped on me "What's it to you if there are terrorist funerals?". Then I asked, "Do you mean that I am here because of the news I have reported?" He replied, "Of course, your news are more dangerous than the terrorists."
Ömer Çelik: "We Triggered The Shutter"
We didn't even know why we were accused of, however there were "Terror in Press" headlines in some of the newspapers; so these newspapers became a part of this attack against freedom of expression.
Davut Uçar: "It Would Be A Shame If We Weren't Arrested"
Facts are not unclear any more. May be, we weren't killed in the past period but it would be a shame if we weren't arrested today. I left the newspaper and 4 years later I was arrested.
İsmail Yıldız: "What Was The Scenario, What Is For Our Part?"
As an antiwar and conscientious objector, I thought I could reach that dream through art and literature, so I completely removed the "state" metaphor (even identity) from my life but simultaneously the state caught me with its 'highness' and 'wire nettings'.
Ertuş Bozkurt: "Curiosity Leading To Rebellion"
We didn't know our charges due to the privacy decision of the prosecutor and the judge on duty. My travels abroad, journalistic activities, my speeches, my interviews were asked issues.
Oktay Candemir: "I Missed My Job"
I am in jail for nearly 2 months. The indictment is not ready. I will continue to do journalism if one day I am free again. I love my job and I missed it.
Ziya Çiçekçi: "Our Arrests Were Government Operations"
Of course we are arrested due to our opponent identity. This is clear. We already knew that we would meet with obstacles while walking in the path of peace, democracy and freedom. Being arrested is a part of this.
Haydar Tekin:" I Am Arrested Due To My Political Identity"
I was arrested within the scope of so-called "KCK" operations targeting to disband The Kurdish Democratic Movement. Such approaches deepen the deadlocks.
Selahattin Aslan: I Am Still A Stray Cat
What would I do if I were free!
Considering the recent arrests, I feel that I don't have much choice as out of the prison has also turned into an open-prison. Nevertheless, first, I would start smoking (because I quit smoking while entering the prison) and I'd directly go to Free Agenda, Democratic Modernity magazine.
The letters of other KCK prisoner journalists will be published at bianet, if they are not released... (AS)