‘Increase in Turkey’s coronavirus cases is nearing limits hard to control’

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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Releasing a written statement after the virtual Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board meeting yesterday (September 22), Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca has said, "With the increasing mobility in the last 3 weeks, the increase in the number of cases is nearing limits hard to control."
Noting that a person who has caught the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) transmits it to nearly 3 others, he has stated, "This still makes it hard to take the outbreak under control. Our losses are at similar levels."
In his statement, the Health Minister has especially focused on the current course of the outbreak, the new situation of some groups in the face of the outbreak and the vaccination program in Turkey.
Referring to the in-class education that has been resuming in the country since September 6, Koca has indicated that the Ministry has also been "monitoring whether there has been any changes in the share of the related age groups in the active COVID-19 cases." According to the Minister, "there has yet been no alarming situation and education is proceeding positively."
Minister Koca has stressed that "before mass vaccination in Turkey, the Science Board insistently said that schools should be the places that were closed the last and opened first", adding that the Board is now "insistent that schools should be the institutions that are never closed."
The Minister has indicated that the Science Board is also insisting that "all alternative practices" concerning the duration and days of classes should be introduced, noting that it is insistent on schools remaining open with all measures to be taken by provincial public health authorities.
More pregnant women catching the virus
Moving on to talk about pregnant women, Koca has announced that there has been an increase in the incidence of COVID-19 cases among them. Referring to this increase as "a new situation in the course of the outbreak", he has called on them to "get vaccinated without hesitation."
According to the Minister, "as long as the virus circulates among the unvaccinated people, a vicious circle is inevitable."
Health Minister Koca has stressed that "quick vaccination and booster shots is what will break this circle", calling on the citizens who are eligible to get the booster shots to "get vaccinated quickly."
Koca has also argued that the vaccination program is proceeding in line with the plan. Recalling that the new map showing the rate of fully vaccinated people by provinces has recently been shared with the public, the Minister has said, "This points at a new target for us." (KÖ/SD)