In Ankara, 70 Million Steps Against Coups
The “70 Million Steps Against The Coup” coalition of various political parties and non-governmental organizations announced their Ankara demonstration.
Artists and intellectuals are supporting the coup opponents who will march from Sıhhiye Square to the College in Ankara at 16.00 on Saturday (July 26).
Artist Yasemin Göksu read the announcement on behalf of the coalition at the local of the Turkish Union of Chambers of Engineers and Architects (TMMOB).
“The road of those who are against the coup goes from Ankara”
Göksu said the following:
“Coups, memorandums, deep organizations, party closures, hanging, tortures, unsolved murders are all discussed in Ankara, planned in Ankara. When these were taking place, we left Ankara by itself. In return, Ankara forgot 70 million people live in this country.”
“The road of those who got on the street to take 70 million steps against the coup goes from Ankara on July 26. Now it is time to make sound on the streets of Ankara against the slow motion coup that we are experiencing, against the Ergenekon gang that has been uncovered, and against party closure.”
The organizations that signed the announcement, which is supported by artist Zeynep Tanbay, artist Feryal Öney from the music group Kardeş Türküler, head of the Revolutionary Socialist Worker Party (DSİP) Doğan Tarkan and writer Roni Marguiles, are the following:
Amargi Women’s Cooperative, Antikapitalist Group, The Women’s Rights Association Against Discrimination (AKDER), Peace Council, We Are Looking After Each Other Platform, The Confederation of Right Worker Unions (Hak-İş), Helsinki Citizens Association (HYD), We Are Not Free Yet Platform, Proletariat Movement Party (EHP), DSİP, Young Civilians, The Initiative to Say No To Racism And Nationalism, Global Action Group (KEG), Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association, Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People (MAZLUM-DER), Socialist Democracy Party (SDP), Political Horizon Movement and Confrontation Association.(BÇ/EZÖ/TB)