Imprisoned Based on 'Statements Under Torture', Journalist Nedim Türfent Behind Bars for 4 Years

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The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) and the Press in Arrest have launched a joint campaign for Nedim Türfent, a former reporter for the now shut-down Dicle News Agency who was sentenced to eight years and nine months in prison for "membership of a terrorist organization" and "propagandizing for a terrorist organization."
Türfent has been behind bars for four years and was released despite the judicial reform, the groups noted, adding that numerous requests for his "urgent release" were also rejected.
"The indictment was prepared on the 300th day of his arrest"
"Nedim Türfent made a video story that showed the special operations police officers getting a group of workers on the ground with handcuffing them from behind their backs and telling them, 'You'll see the power of the state of the Republic of Turkey... I know all of you... Who betrays, who is treacherous will get retribution... What did this state do to you? You'll see the power of the Turks'..."
"This story got him both death threats and the Musa Anter Journalism Award.
"Türfent was detained four years ago today, on May 12, 2016. He was charged with "being a member of an armed terrorist organization.' He was remanded in custody on May 13, 2016.
"His indictment was prepared on the 300th day of his imprisonment, on March 7, 2017.
"According to statements by 20 witnesses, he was charged with 'being a member of an armed terrorist organization' and 'repetitively propagandizing for a terrorist organization.' A prison sentence of from eight years and nine months to 23 years and nine months was requested for him.
"When his trial began with the first hearing on June 14, 2017, he had been in prison for 399 days."
"Witnesses said they signed statements under torture"
"The 'witnesses' whose alleged statements were the basis of the charges against him said in the hearings that they heard the name 'Nedim Türfent' for the first time and that they were forced to sign their statements under torture.
"His trial continued for five hearings that were extended to six months. Türfent did not see a judge face-to-face even for once, he attended all the hearings that were held in Hakkari from the prison in Van, where he was remanded in custody, via the Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS).
"The verdict was given in the fifth hearing on December 15, 2017. The court did not take into consideration the statements it heard in the courtroom but the statements the same witnesses gave 'under torture'. Türfent was sentenced to eight years and nine months in prison for "membership of an armed terrorist organization.' When the verdict was given, he had been in prison for 583 days.
"When the sentence of him was upheld by the Court of Cassation on May 21, 2019, it was the 1,105th day of his arrest.
"While Türfent was in prison, a military coup attempt occurred in Turkey, after that there was a period of a state of emergency for two years. Turkey did a referendum, a presidential election, a general parliamentary election, a local election and the repeat election for İstanbul. The government system of the country was changed. But the approach to the press, freedom of the press did not change. The insistence that 'journalism is a crime' never weakened!
"The President announced the 'Judicial Reform Strategy; the parliament accepted the 'Judicial Reform.' The regulation that 'news and criticism are not crimes' was added to one of the articles that Türfent was charged to have violated. But Türfent stayed in prison.
"A regulation was made in the criminal enforcement law. Many arrestees and convicts got out of prison. But Türfent and all journalists stayed in prison.
"Even the deadly Covid-19 outbreak that is ravaging the world did not change the practice of accusation and punishment of 'journalism.' 'Urgent release' applications made for Türfent didn't get a response.
"Nedim Türfent has been in prison for four years, he never regretted his reports. Freedom of the press and expression hasn't breathed for four years, journalism didn't cease to be a crime." (HA/VK)