IHD: Denmark Violated Copenhagen Criteria

Turkey’s Human Rights Foundation (IHD) Istanbul Branch protested Copenhagen District Court’s verdict on the closure of MMC, NUÇE and ROJ TV - pro-Kurdish channels broadcasting from Denmark.
On July 3, the court cancelled the broadcasting contracts of MMC, NUÇE and ROJ TV, ordering to stop their broadcasting and pay a 5 million Danish Krone fine.
IHD member assembled at Taksim Tram Stop to read their their statement - a declaration claiming that Danmark violated international treaties concerning expression and press freedom.
The aforementioned TV channels were compelled to broadcast abroad due to obstacles on press and expression freedoms on Kurds in Turkey and Mesopotamia Region, the statement said.
It also went on to say that Turkey used the most aggressive measure against dissidents, closed political parties and newspapers, and currently was among the countries with the most jailed journalist in the world. Denmark’s closure of these channels totally violated Copenhagen Criteria - one of EU’s accession requirements on democracy, superiority of law, human rights and protection of minorities.
IHD urged Denmark to reconsider the verdict - which they claimed to be anti-democratic and anti-freedomist - and called the public in Turkey and worldwide to protest the verdict. (BÇ/ÇT/BM)