IHD Calls for Respect for Prisoners Dignity
In a statement made to the press in the foundation's building in Batman, he discussed the history of the solitary confinement and isolation punishments in F-type prisons since their opening in December 2000. The residential arrangements in high-security F-type prisons have been the subject of concern and protest from human rights groups ın Turkey and internationally for several years.
According to Becerikli, "These prisons run contrary to basic rights and freedoms, human dignity, and individual psychological and social needs." He said that "the application of this penalty, with respect to the punishment of judicial and political prisoners, is rife with inequality." He added, "We want to protect the human dignity of all detainees and convicts, without separating the judicial from the political prisoners."
Becerikli said that it was necessary for Turkey to completely harmonize its policies with European Union laws. He stated that as human rights defenders, the İHD has the following demands:
* An insistence on finding solutions to these problems rather than leaving them unaddressed.
* Negative adminstrative practices must be brought into a accordance with EU standards respecting freedoms of thought, expression, organization, and belief.
* The arbitrary application of procedures and detentions such as that occuring in Batman in the recent period must be stopped.
* In F-type and other prisons, communal living spaces should be extended and residential arrangements should be made more suitable to human dignity.
* Accusations of torture or mistreatment of detainees and prisoners should be responded toö and those responsible should be charged.(EA/EK/YE)