‘If the Republic of Turkey continues to exist, it cannot happen without Kurds’

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"In these operations carried out by the AKP-MHP coalition with the aim of purging the HDP and dividing the opposition by intimidation, the judiciary is literally used as the political apparatus of the government.
"The AKP is the one legally and politically responsible for the massacres that unfolded in the Kobani process. However, in order to cover this up, they are trying to criminalize the HDP by turning it into a target."
It is how Selahattin Demirtaş comments on the recent wave of operations and arrests targeting the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) politicians over the "Kobani incidents" from six years ago.
Selahattin Demirtaş is the former Chair of the HDP. He has been arrested in Edirne Prison since November 4, 2016. Declared the "responsible party for the Kobani incidents" by the government, Selahattin Demirtaş is also one of the first politicians who have been arrested as part of the "Kobani investigation" launched by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. Over 20 politicians are now behind bars over the incidents.
Arrested on charges of "establishing an organization with the aim of committing crimes", "being the member of an organization" and "committing crimes in the name of the organization" and behind bars for almost four years now, Selahattin Demirtaş has answered the questions of bianet.
'Don't be a party to this plot against us'
How do you see the investigation launched against the HDP over "Kobani incidents"? What would you like to say about it?
Everyone now knows that none of the operations against the HDP is legal, they are carried out with political aims in mind.
The violence that enfolded during the Kobani incidents did not erupt following the statement of the HDP, but by the provocation of [President Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan, who said a day later, "Kobani has fallen or it is about to fall." The first death, the killing of 25-year-old Hakan Buksur in Varto, Muş, occurred after this statement of Erdoğan.
The main victims of this massacre are the people from the HDP. For instance, Ekrem Kaçeroğlu, who was massacred in İzmir... He was a father of three daughters, he was managing a tea house. He was lynched. There are videos and photos showing the moment when he was lynched.
Four people were caught, two were released two months later. The other two were also released later on. In other words, there are videos and photographs in this case, but no one is arrested. Released pending trial, the defendants do not even attend the hearings. The trial is still going on. It is just one example. There was an obligation to file a lawsuit as there were images. In most of the deaths and lynches, there is not even a legal action.
'They tried to cover up the truths'
They tried to cover up all truths by the manipulation of the judiciary, politics and media. The truth cannot be hidden. The truths and the responsible ones will be definitely brought into light one day.
What they are doing to us these days is one of the biggest political plots of legal history. However, it needs to be known that when the day comes, the politicians, members of the judiciary and media clowns who have been involved in this plot will definitely answer to justice. Those who both killed us and declared us murderers are themselves the main responsible ones for these massacres. Everyone should know this clearly.
Everyone has to act carefully about the last arrests. They need to act by knowing that if they are involved in this plot, they will be put on trial in the future. Because we are faced with very severe and serious crimes committed against us. No one must be a party to these crimes.
We will never bow down. We will stand firm, we will show that these plots are null and void and we will definitely win. I recommend that everyone should make their calculations accordingly. So no one should have to say in the future, "Oh, I didn't see it; oh, I didn't hear..."
'The atrocity of the one man is the main issue'
Commenting on this operation, some experts say that it is an attempt to "change the public agenda" while others say that "the Kurdish issue is the agenda itself." What do you think about it?
This cannot be called changing the agenda or something... The atrocity caused by the authoritarian one-man regime is the agenda itself. The Kurdish question and the democracy problem as well as the economic problems, unemployment and poverty, which are directly related to this, are the main items on the agenda itself.
The fascist rule of the AKP-MHP can continue to exist only by tyranny, pressure, threats, lies. While everything that is done are acts of atrocity committed by open instructions of government partners themselves, calling this an attempt to change the agenda means normalizing the atrocity.
'One needs to side with the victim'
Arrests are atrocities as well. Inequalities in education and health that have reached an horrible extent during the pandemic are atrocities as well. The act of appointing trustees is an atrocity as well.
In other words, while atrocity is the main policy of the AKP-MHP's fascist government, if we call these atrocious acts attempts to change the agenda, it will mean that we turn a blind eye to the atrocity and, therefore, it will mean that we indirectly approve them.
In fact, the right thing to do is to stand up to every act of atrocity as loudly as possible, the right thing to do is to object, to resist. The right thing to do is to side with the victim regardless of who does the atrocity. If what is on the agenda of the AKP-MHP's fascist government is atrocity, then resistance must be on the agenda of the opposition.
'Claiming the HDP means claiming democracy'
Would you like to give a message to both the HDP and democratic community?
My all friends, brothers and sisters, my comrades who have embraced the principles of the HDP and set their hearts on the HDP are the brave representatives of this big and honorable struggle.
HDP members and voters have been really selflessly struggling to win freedom, democracy and peace. Those who are surprised at how the HDP is still standing firm despite all this pressure does not know our peoples at all. They cannot see that the HDP is not limited to its party buildings, they cannot see that the party headquarters have been built in hearts.
Kurdish people must know this: None of their labor or the price they have paid has gone for nothing. We will live in this country as a free, equal and honorable people. We will definitely do this all together.
Similarly, Turkish people must be sure of this: HDP is the guarantee of Turkey's democracy, its domestic peace and an equal life together. Claiming the HDP means claiming democracy. It means supporting a future in peace when there will be no more arms.
A Turkey without the HDP would be a Turkey groaning under the occupation of a small group of racists and fascists.
However, if we join hands, we can build a bright future together. We can ensure that the Republic will reunite with democracy in the new century. We can bring the country into existence in peace and welfare.
'It cannot happen without the HDP, Kurds'
So, my all Turkish friends, from nationalists to conservatives, from leftists to Alevis, from Kemalists to nationalists, must know that if the Republic continues to exist and a democracy is established instead of a racist and fascist authoritarian regime, this cannot happen without the HDP or Kurds.
'HDP sides with peace'
Again, everyone must know this clearly: HDP is definitely on the side of peace. It sides with an end to arms and violence and with a resolution of problems with dialogue and politics. Don't play into the hands of the one-man regime's dark propaganda. Lend an ear to us, an ear to HDP.
'Let's trust one another'
We are resisting not only for ourselves, but we are resisting for the peoples of Turkey as well, we are paying a price for them as well. My Turkish brothers and sisters must not shy away from extending their hands to the HDP and Kurdish people, they must not shy away from standing shoulder to shoulder with them even for a single moment in such a historical period.
Turkey belongs to us all and we will build a bright future by joining hands with each other. Let's believe in one another, let's trust each other. I extend my most heartfelt greetings, love and respect to everyone.
About Kobani incidentBefore the protests in support of Kobani in northern Syria started in October 2014, those who were waiting in the district of Suruç in Turkey's southeastern province of Urfa to cross the border were intervened with pepper gas and rubber bullets. In the meantime, some pictures allegedly showing ISIS militia crossing the border of Turkey were published. President and ruling AKP Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made statements indicating that they equated PKK with ISIS. While the wounded coming from Kobani were kept waiting on the border, the wounded from ISIS were treated at hospitals. Several news reports were reported in the press, saying "Kobani fell." These news reports were denied every time. After the HDP made a call to take to the streets against a possible massacre in Kobani, thousands of people protested in Kurdish-majority provinces as well as Ankara and İstanbul. While left parties also supported these protests, deaths also occurred with the onset of police violence. Street conflicts ensued. 42 people lost their lives from October 6 to 12, 2014. According to a report by the Human Rights Association (İHD), 46 people died, 682 people were wounded and 323 people were arrested in the protests held between October 6 and 8, 2014. As reported by the AA, 31 people lost their lives, 221 citizens and 139 police officers were wounded. Conducted by Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor Yüksel Kocaman, the "Kobani investigation" started a year ago. First, the depositions of former jailed HDP Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş were interrogated as part of this investigation. Released in the trial where he had been arrested pending trial, Selahattin Demirtaş faced another ruling of arrest as part of this "Kobani investigation" on the same day. Taken into custody as part of this investigation, 17 politicians from the HDP, including Kars Co-Mayor Ayhan Bilgen, were arrested on October 2, 2020. Over 20 politicians currently behind barsThe following politicians are behind bars as part of the same "Kobani investigation": Former HDP Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş (September 20, 2019); HDP Central Executive Committee member Alp Altınörs, HDP Foreign Affairs Commission member Nazmi Gür, former MP Ayla Akat Ata, former HDP Central Executive Committee members, Bircan Yorulmaz, Berfin Özgü Köse, Dilek Yağlı, Can Memiş, Günay Kubilay, Bülent Parmaksız, Pervin Oduncu, İsmail Şengün and Cihan Erdal, former HDP General Accountant Zeki Çelik, HDP RTÜK member Ali Ürküt, HDP's Kars Co-Mayor Ayhan Bilgen, former MP Prof. Emine Beyza Üstün, Emine Ayna (October 2, 2020); Democratic Regions Party (DBP) former Co-Chair Sebahat Tuncel and former MP Aysel Tuğluk (October 12); former Metropolitan Co-Mayor of Diyarbakır Gültan Kışanak (October 16). |
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