‘If a single writer or journalist is behind bars, none of us is free’

* Image: Social media
Click to read the article in Turkish
Yesterday was November 15 International Day of the Imprisoned Writer. On this occasion, PEN Turkey has created a "Prison Alphabet" to raise public awareness about the arrested writers.
In the alphabet penned by PEN Turkey Executive Board Member Haydar Ergülen, it is noted that "yet another letter is lost with every writer in prison."
Speaking to bianet on the occasion of the International Day of the Imprisoned Writer, PEN Turkey Chair Zeynep Oral has raised concerns that according to the figures of the Journalists' Association of Turkey (TGC), 100 journalists-writers are currently arrested in Turkey.
'There are arrested writers in almost every country'
Noting that there are arrested writers and journalists in almost every country of the world, Zeynep Oral has said:
"Numbers do not matter at all; if even a single journalist or a writer is unjustly behind bars in a country, no writer or journalist is free there. For 18 years, the government has been saying that there are no arrested writers or journalists in prisons, but everyone knows that this is not true."
On the occasion of the International Day of the Imprisoned Writer, the following alphabet has been created in Turkish:
A-Askıda! (On the hanger!)
B-Bilinmeyen bi yerde! (In an unknown place!)
C-Cezaevinde... (In prison...)
Ç-Çilehanede! (In a house of ordeal!)
D-Damda! (In a gaol!)
E-Emniyette... (In a police station!)
F-F Tipinde! (In a Type F [Prison]!)
G-Gözaltında! (In detention!)
H-Hücrede! (In a cell!)
I-Islahevinde! (In open custody!)
İ-İçerde! (Behind bars!)
J-Jandarmada... (At the gendarmerie!)
K-Kodeste! (In jail!)
L- Laboratuvarda! (In laboratory!)
M-Mahpusta! (In jailhouse!)
N- Nezarette! (In a detention room!)
0-Orda bir yer var... (There is a place...)
Ö-Ölü olarak... ( dead)
P-Poliste! (At the police!)
R- Ranzada! (On a bunk bed!)
S-Sorguda! (In interrogation!)
Ş- Şiddet görmüş! (Subjected to violence!)
T-Tabutlukta! (In a place for coffins!)
U- Uzuuuun dönem! (A loooong period!)
Ü- Üniversite sayılır! (A university of some sort!)
V- Voltada! (Pacing back and forth!)
Y- Yazar ne yazar ne yazamaz! (Writer, s/he might write or might not!)
Z- Zindanda (In dungeon)