“I Want Hope in 2008”

Unfulfilled wishes
In fact, most of my personal wishes came true, but as far as my wishes for society are concerned, we did not achieve much. There are still people dying of hunger or dying on ambulance stretchers, there are still innocent people being hit by the world problem called “terrorism”. And people are still hopeless about the future…
People call the region where they live “the place that God has forgotten”; however, it is not God but us people who have forgotten or not taken it seriously, it is us who took away the hopes of the people living in that region.
We allowed innocent children to die in the civil wars there. While we were sleeping in our warm beds, they were dying in agony.
Hope, love and peace
My expectations for 2008…
I want health, hope, love and peace for humanity, an idealist leader for our country, and some ambition and determination for myself. If only it were as easy as you reading what I have written. But I believe that as long as people have some hope, everything can be worked out.
We do not have the right to steal anyone’s hope. That’s why what I want most from 2008 is hope…(DT/GG/AG)