‘I Thought I Was in Wonderland’

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Human Rights Association (İHD) Co-Chair Eren Keskin has spoken to bianet regarding the "Judicial Reform Strategy", which was shared with the public by President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan yesterday (May 30).
Stating that "when she first heard the document announced by President Erdoğan, she thought she was in wonderland", rights defender lawyer Keskin said that the reforms to be introduced must be in accordance with the international agreements, to which Turkey has long been a signatory, and added, "I hope that there will be positive changes."
CLICK - President Erdoğan Announces Judicial Reform Strategy
'They say zero-tolerance to torture, but..."
Commenting on President Erdoğan's statement "Allegations of systematic torture or maltreatment have become history", Keskin said,
"They have used the expression 'zero-tolerance to torture' for years, but we are still faced with practices of torture. We have just met a 5-month pregnant woman inmate today, who was subjected to sit down-stand up torture in prison when she was completely naked."
Referring to some social media accounts that share posts featuring torture scenes, Eren Keskin stated,
"They are openly posting the images, photographs, videos of torture. These images are apparently served by one wing of the state. I have never seen such a period when violence is legitimized to such an extent."
'What he said is the exact opposite of reality'
Keskin has also commented on President Erdoğan's remarks on freedom of expression and right to a fair trial:
"What he said about freedom of expression and right to a fair trial is the exact opposite of what is going on in reality.
"In the 90s, our freedom of expression was immensely violated, but there has never been another period when arrests are so indifferently made. People get arrested when they just go to depose.
"I have been in human rights struggle for 30 years and we have never experienced another period when people cannot predict anything at all and feel that their freedom is restricted to such a degree."
'We will be imprisoned not 6 months, but a year later'
Sharing the details of the Judicial Reform Strategy, President Erdoğan also said that the ones who are sentenced to less than five years in prison will be able to appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeals and added, "We will ensure that the verdicts on freedom of expression will be reviewed by the Supreme Court of Appeals after the examination of the court of appeal."
When we asked her whether this change would have any effect on judicial processes such as Özgür Gündem trials, the trials of Academics for Peace and Cumhuriyet newspaper case, Eren Keskin answered that it would do nothing, but prolong the process:
"Turkey is convicted in freedom of expression-related cases heard by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). It means that there is a problem with how terrorism is defined in Anti-Terror laws. Instead of amending the laws in such a way to make them compatible with Europe, they are prolonging the period by making an addition to the process. We will be imprisoned not 6 months, but a year later..."
Regarding the regulation that foresees that access to websites such as Wikipedia is not blocked as a whole, Keskin said, "Preventing the spread of dissenting opinions is a right violation according to the European Convention on Human Rights. Turkey needs to reform its domestic law accordingly."
'Door of judges, prosecutors locked for lawyers'
Concluding her remarks, Eren Keskin commented on the performance evaluation that the members of the judiciary will be subjected to:
"The judge or the prosecutor needs to be free and independent so that her or his performance can be evaluated. They are under a huge pressure, they are constantly faced with the risk of being dismissed. They cannot display their own performance anyway..."
Reminding us that they cannot use their right of defense, either, Keskin said, "We lawyers cannot enter the room of the judge and the prosecutor to receive information anymore. Their doors are locked." (AS/SD)
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