'I am going to work in the Parliament for a Truth Commission'

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Dicle Anter, son of the Kurdish journalist and writer Musa Anter (Apê Musa/Uncle Musa) killed 31 years ago, has applied to the Green Left Party in order to be a candidate for member of parliament.
Anter is going to work for the unidentified murders to be brought to light if he is elected.
Apê Musa's son told bianet why he applied for candidacy and what he wishes to do in the Parliament.
*Dicle Anter stated that the applications for Mardin Green Left Party are accepted at the HDP Mardin office.
"Unidentified murders are the black box of Turkey"
Anter has proposals for research on and solutions to unidentified murders that occurred in Turkey. He said that he is going to work in order to establish a Truth Commission in case he is elected.
Revealing the truth about these murders will have a direct effect on the future of Turkey, Anter believes.
"Unidentified murders are the black box of Turkey. When they are brought to light, Turkey will have a very different future. When light sheds on the black boxes, we can take great steps in the fields of justice, peace, and freedom," he told bianet.
The country he dreams of
Anter wants to live in a country where there is peace and love. He described his dreams for the future of Turkey:
"I dream of a society where people do not shoot one another, do not make each other upset, can talk to each other, seek solutions through dialogue and not violence, and use not a polarizing but an inclusive language."
Anter said, "I want a society where everyone has more liberties, and that is full of love. Why should we deal with evil? In fact my demands are very simple but when it comes to the practice, people have difficulties."
About Musa AnterAuthor, journalist, and activist. Assassinated in Diyarbakır city in 1992. On September 20, 1992, Musa Anter attended the Culture-Art Festival in Diyarbakır, signed his books. An armed attack took place against Anter and his nephew, journalist-writer Orhan Miroğlu in Cumhuriyet Neighborhood. Anter died, and Miroğlu was wounded. The attack was allegedly conducted by Gendarmerie Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Organization (JİTEM), a controversial wing and intelligence agency of the gendarmerie. Musa Anter was taken into custody for the first time during the 1937-38 Dersim Revolt and then many times more in his life. He was among the founders of Revolutionary Eastern Culture Hearths, the Labor Party of People, Mezopotamya Cultural Center, and İstanbul Kurdish Institute. After leaving the Faculty of Law in the third year, Musa Anter started writing for Şark Postası and Dicle Kaynağı. He was imprisoned in 1959 because of his Kurdish poem "Qimil/Kımıl" published on İleri Yurt newspaper. Anter was also faced with life imprisonment in the lawsuit known as 49s. He was arrested in 1963, sent to exile in 1967 and imprisoned after the military coups in 1971 and 1980. Throughout his life, Anter wrote for İleri Yurt, Dicle-Fırat, Barış Dünyası, Deng, Yön, Azadiye Welat, Yeni Ülke, Özgür Gündem, Rewşen and Tewlo. He also published seven books and one Kurdish-Turkish Dictionary. Born in Mardin in 1920, Musa Anter completed his secondary and high school education in Adana and studied law at İstanbul University. |