Hürriyet Pays Compensation to the President

The President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has won the lawsuit against Vuslat Doğan Sabancı, CEO of Hürriyet Daily News and columnist Mehmet Yılmaz who allegedly insulted Erdoğan. Hürriyet will pay 20.000 Turkish liras to the President.
Erdoğan claimed compensation for mental anguish as 100.000 Turkish liras from Sabancı and Yılmaz who allegedly violated Erdoğan’s personal rights in the column published on Aug. 25, 2014 in Hürriyet Daily News.
Judge Selma Duru gave a verdict that defendants would pay 20.000 Turkish liras as compensation for mental anguish in today’s trial put in Ankara 5th Civil Court of First Instance.
In his column titled “Heaven forbid, Davutoğlu!” Mehmet Yılmaz said:
"THE PRESIDENT/Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, specifically emphasized why he chose Ahmet Davutoğlu for the head of AKP by saying “ Davutoğlu will keep struggling against the parallel structure”.
"And then Ahmet Davutoğlu conveyed his thanks to Erdoğan:”We will be as steady as a rock against the parallel structure” and made Erdoğan glad just because Erdoğan’s first priority is protect his men from the corruption allegations! When he protects his men he can ptotect himself, too!” (NV/BD)
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