Hunger strike outside Germany’s Justice Ministry for release of political prisoners from Turkey

In Germany, journalist Özgül Emre and members of the music band Grup Yorum, İhsan Cibelik and Serkan Küpeli, were detained and subsequently arrested in May 2022 following operations conducted from May 16 to 18.
Among the actions that led to the arrests of Emre, Cibelik, and Küpeli were their involvement in anti-drug efforts, participation in picnics, and attending a Grup Yorum concert.
Protesting their detention and calling for the immediate release of their friends, Eda Deniz Haydaroğlu, Ilgır Güler, and Sevil Sevimli Güler have been on a hunger strike outside the German Ministry of Justice.
Eda Deniz Haydaroğlu has been on a hunger strike since March 18, Ilgın Güler since May 8, and Sevil Sevimli Güler since May 13. The health of the three hunger strikers has deteriorated.
"The Ministry of Justice is ignoring the hunger strikers"
Friends of the hunger strikers provided the following information to bianet regarding the protests and their demands:
"In Germany, there are 'Anti-Terror Laws' that have been in effect for 201 years, with their initial foundations laid in 1822. These laws are used against all rights and freedoms of the progressive, revolutionary, and democratic segments of the public.
"Both to have our three friends tried without arrest and to abolish Law No. 129, Eda Deniz Haydaroğlu began an indefinite hunger strike on March 18, 2023, for 'justice.' The Justice Ministry of Germany ignores the resisters on its doorstep.
"Furthermore, there are others on a hunger strike who are also supporting the resistance. Hunger strikers who refuse to accept this injustice have been steadfastly demonstrating their resistance in front of the Berlin Ministry of Justice for six months now. These laws may be legal, but they are not just. Organizing and attending a Grup Yorum concert is not a crime!
"On June 14, the trial of the three detainees began in the High-Security State Court of Düsseldorf.
"The lawlessness that has been there from the beginning has continued here. The three people who have never harmed anyone in Europe were tried inside a 'Glass Cage.' On July 11, as a result of the campaign and videos, posters, and objections of the detainees, the Glass Cage was removed."
"Treatment for Cibelik is being hindered"
"Despite having a prostate enlargement, Grup Yorum member İhsan Cibelik, who had gone to a doctor for treatment before being arrested, had his treatment process obstructed by the prison."
"Today, it is not known whether İhsan Cibelik has cancer, and when this issue was brought to the attention of the court by lawyers, the court decided on August 24 for İhsan Cibelik to go to the hospital to be examined."
"However, when İhsan Cibelik was brought to the hospital from the prison in a wheelchair, with his hands and feet in shackles, and was asked by the doctors to be examined while in shackles, İhsan Cibelik protested, saying, 'I am not an animal, and you are not veterinarians. I do not want to be treated under these conditions.' Despite İhsan Cibelik's resistance, the guards returned him to the prison without undergoing the examination. İhsan Cibelik, who has been a member of Grup Yorum for 38 years, has the right to treatment."
*The Ministry of Justice should withdraw the case against Özgül Emre, Grup Yorum member İhsan Cibelik, and Serkan Küpeli.
*Özgül Emre, İhsan Cibelik, Serkan Küpeli, and Hasan Unutan should be tried without arrest.
*All digital evidece should be removed as a basis for prosecution. Digital evidence is unreliable and cannot serve as proof.
*The reports prepared by the German Constitutional Protection organization (Verfassungsschutz) against revolutionaries are illegitimate and should not be used as evidence in courts.
"Germany's Federal Prosecutor, Peter Frank, met with Turkey's Minister of Justice and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan shortly after the operation against Özgül Emre and received a medal of honor. What was discussed during this meeting, and for which services did Prosecutor Peter Frank receive the honor medal?"
*The session of the Germany Resistance Assembly that has been fighting for residence rights for five years should be returned! Taking away residence rights for political reasons is unlawful and illegitimate! In this regard, the penalty imposed on İlker Şahin should be lifted. (EMK/VK)