Hundreds of delivery workers protest e-commerce company over low wage increases

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Hundreds of delivery workers of Trendyol, one of the largest e-commerce companies in Turkey, have begun a strike in protest of low wage increases.
The company raised the workers' salaries by 11 percent and the raise will be implemented starting from March, the workers said.
The official annual inflation rate was 36.08 percent whereas the Inflation Research Group (ENAG), an independent group of economists, found the 2021 inflation rate was 82.65 percent.
Gathering in front of Trendyol's office in Maslak, İstanbul, workers chanted slogans, "Workers are here, where are the managers?"
The Nakliyat-İş union announced that it is "in solidarity with" workers of Trendyol, Yemeksepeti, Getir, Hepsiburada and other businesses.
— UMUT-SEN (@Umut_Sendikasi) January 24, 2022
Trendyol işçileri çalışma koşullarına, maaşların azlığına, mobbinglerin katlanılmaz hale gelmesine ARTIK YETER! diyerek merkez ofise baskın düzenledi.
İşcilerin emeğini çalarak lüks hayatlar yaşayan patronlara huzur YOK!#TrendyolZam