Human Rights Association Members Released

6 activists were transferred to police headquarters after their torture monitoring in the hospital, Fazıl Ahmet Tamer, an association lawyer, told bianet.
Briefly following their release, the association disclosed names of its 6 members including Vice President Riza Dalkılıç and board members from Istanbul branch.
"After giving their testimonies, our members were released. Police did not allow us to use our legal rights to protest. It's illegal," Tamer said.
The association said they demand an investigation corcerning the way police acted during the protest. "Human rights defenders will always stand against deaths and offer democratic and peaceful solutions to ongoing issues."
The situation in hunger strikes came to a critical point. It is our responsibility to shout louder so that hunger strikers would be heard and their demands met before deaths happen, a statement said.
The association members said their brief custody would aggravate the tension between the administration and hunger strikers. (EKN)