HSM: Our Forces Acted According to Withdrawal Process

Protesting PM Erdoğan's claims on “They haven’t kept their promise. Withdrawal is about 20 percent complete”, HSM, one of PKK's wings released a declaration saying that “their forces fully respected the withdrawal procedures declared on April 25 and they are still in the process of doing so”.
Claiming that the Turkish government arrived to a such conclusion by “wrong reports or deliberate manipulation”, HSM said the withdrawal process is also covered by the media.
“Our forces have done their part with a great skillfulness, determination and sacrifice so far, and they will continue to do so unless there is a new decision. However, the Turkish state and AKP government have yet done anything except suspending its deadly operations. They have yet to make any changes on the situation of Leader Apo who is the architect of the process. Having not done its part on the second step of the process, AKP government is attempting to find something to blame. Whatever has been stated by them don’t represent the reality at all.” (NV/BM)
* bianet compiled this article from Fırat News Agency (ANF).
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.