HRW: Enforced Disappearances in Ankara Must be Investigated

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In a letter sent to Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) has asked the government “to ensure the urgent and effective investigation of the abduction and possible enforced disappearances of at least four men in Ankara since March 2017”.
Director of the Human Rights Watch Europe and Central Asia division Hugh Williamson stated that “there are credible grounds to believe that the men are also victims of enforced disappearance by state agents”.
“It is vital that the Turkish authorities uphold their strict obligation to promptly investigate these cases, and others like them, and seek to locate the whereabouts of the missing men, who may be in grave danger, and let their families know where they are”.
“Considering Turkey’s dark history concerning enforced disappearances…”
Williamson said that “Considering Turkey’s dark history concerning enforced disappearances, it is more vital that the authorities investigate the great number of enforced disappearances that have occurred in Ankara which have reached an alarming level”.
“Enforced disappearance is a gross human right violation and it is banned no matter what the conditions are. The government needs to take action to root it up”. (AS/TK)
Click here to read the full letter