Housing Development Administration to Entirely Block Syrian Border

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The Housing Development Administration (TOKİ) will complete the rest of the wall whose 200 km has been completed. A wall will have been built on the 911-km Syrian border when it is completed.
Speaking to Star, Hürriyet and Milliyet dailies, TOKİ President Ergün Turan said:
“The Ministry of National Defense (MSB) and governorships had closed 200 km of the Syrian border. As TOKİ we have made a tender of 200 km and we are in preparation of other 400 km.
“We have been continuing with our work of ‘putting up the wall’ for 15-20 days. We will have it completed the border wall of 700 km in five months.
“Increasing the border security with Syria has become crucial with respect to our national security. Our border will be more secure as the wall is completed”.
As to the specifications of the wall, Turan stated that the concrete wall will be of 3-meter high and 2-meter wide and that razor wire will be placed on the wall.
Third longest wall after China and Israel
When the wall is completed, it will be the third longest wall after the Great Wall of China with the length of 3,460 km and Israeli-Palestinian wall of 1,120 km.
There is a 455-km wall on US-Mexican border. One of pledges of president candidate, Donal Trump is to close the whole border with a wall. (AS/TK)