Hospital Doesn’t Inform Authorities of Pregnancy of 115 Girls
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It has been found out in five months that 115 girls are pregnant in Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital in İstanbul; an investigation has been launched against a hospital employee, who realized that these pregnancies weren’t reported to police and turned to prosecution.
According to a report by Dinçer Gökçe from Hürriyet daily newspaper, 67% of these girls are aged between 15-18; 33% are under 15.
34% of the pregnant girls are Syrian refugees.
Hospital administration hasn’t taken any action
Stating that pregnancy under 15 is within the scope of sexual abuse without looking at consent, social service expert working at the hospital Ş.İ.N. and psychologist I.Ö. wrote a report that the legal liabilities weren’t fulfilled.
As the hospital administration didn’t make any statement concerning the subject, social service expers Ş.İ.N. turned to prosecution.
Governorship hasn’t allowed for an investigation
Upon prosecutor’s demand, permission for investigation was asked to be launched against deputy chief physician in charge Dr. A. A. and social service expert N.D., who didn’t make a legal notice.
İstanbul Governorship didn’t allow permission for investigation. The Governorship stated that the duty wasn’t neglected and impeachment wasn’t constituted.
An investigation was launched against Ş.İ.N. who informed prosecutor’s office of the incident.
Lawyer Erkan Akça appealed to İstanbul Regional Administrative Court for the revoke of Governorship’s decision.
Haberin yayınlanmasının ardından yazılı bir açıklama yapan Sağlık Bakanlığı, konunun daha önce incelendiğini söylerken "soruşturmaya gerek olmadığı" görüşünü tekrarladı. Haberin gündem yaratması nedeniyle tekrar inceleme başlatacaklarını da ekledi:
Issuing a written statement following the news report, the Ministry of Health said that the incident has already been investigated and reiterated their opinion that "there is no need for an investigation", adding that they will initiate an inspection due to the impact of the news report. (ÇT/TK)