Homophobic attack in Ankara

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Five people were targeted by an homophobic attack in front of a cafe on Esat Street in the capital city of Ankara at around 2 a.m. on October 14.
One of the five people subjected to the attack, U. has spoken to Kaos GL association's website said, "...a motorcycle pulled over near us. There were two people on the motorcylce; the one who was on the driver's seat shouted, 'Faggots! You, faggots! What are you doing here?' and slapped one of our friends. After we shouted and protested, they started the motorcycle."
U. has also said that they were subjected to a lynch attempt by 15-20 people whom they think are the couriers of cafes on the street. U. has indicated that they will take legal action about the incident. (EMK/SD)