'Homeless People Should be Protected from Covid-19'

Photo: AA
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Among the most vulnerable groups against the Covid-19 disease, homeless people should be quarantined and socially isolated, according to an İstanbul-based association working for the homeless.
Existing shelters for the homeless can be put in quarantine and quarantine areas can be set up for those who don't stay in shelters, a report by the Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Association (ÇOTUN) suggested.
"The individuals living in the streets should be put in quarantine just like the people who have returned from abroad and should be considered as potential patients," the report said.
Social isolation
"The ones who have been put in quarantine should be categorized and divided into small groups according to the risk factors they are in. Those small groups should not only be isolated but also be categorized according to the risk factors inside them and should be included in social isolation. Thus, a multi-layered social isolation is accomplished.
"Masks should be given to the homeless people who have shown symptoms and they should be housed away from the other homeless individuals."
Noting that the elderly homeless are among the groups that are most at risk of a severe acute respiratory syndrome such as Covid-19, they should be provided with comprehensive healthcare service, the report said.
"When we look at the population living in the streets, we can see that the elderly are under the risk of death due to Covid-19 and younger individuals can become potential spreaders of the disease unless they are isolated.
"Therefore, taking measures for the disadvantaged homeless groups is critical to avoid loss of lives and to prevent infection among wider masses."
Protecting homeless children
"The children under 18 who live in the streets should be reported to the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services.
"Because of children's not being able to protect from the virus pandemic in current street conditions and being in the position of a carrier; a quarantine area should be established special for children and their transfer to this area should be made. A lot of homeless children have an orphanage background. Because
"The Covid-19 pandemic, quarantine period and the necessity of the process should be explained clearly to the children by taking into consideration the age and psychology of the children
"The only available solution for the Covid-19 outbreak is the isolation of every individual in the community. Therefore, the preference of isolating homeless people living in the street in a new housing area is advocated by institutions working in the field of homelessness and health authorities abroad." (AÖ/VK)
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