Highest number of cases per 100 thousand people in Kars

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Health Minister Fahrettin Koca has announced the number of COVID-19 cases per 100 thousand people by provinces from June 5-11, 2021.
In a statement on Twitter, Koca has said that even though the decrease in the number of cases has slowed down, there is still a decrease.
According to Koca, the highest increase in the number of cases in the last week was observed in the provinces of Bilecik, Karaman, Malatya, Kastamonu and Isparta. "The drop in the number of cases will continue, we will be immunized with vaccines. It will end with vaccines," he has said.
The map of Turkey shared by Minister Fahrettin Koca has shown that the weekly number of COVID-19 cases for 100 thousand people was 55.20 in İstanbul, 94.87 in Ankara and 32.04 in İzmir.
According to the map, the provinces with the highest numbers of cases per 100 thousand people last week were Kars, Bolu, Eskişehir, Gümüşhane and Tokat while the provinces with the lowest numbers of weekly cases per 100 thousand were Hatay, Osmaniye, Adana, Edirne and Mersin.
In the week of June 5-11, the provinces' numbers of COVID-19 cases per 100 thousand people were as follows, from the highest to the lowest:
Kars 129.51, Bolu 107.05, Eskişehir 99.79, Gümüşhane 98.8, Tokat 97.51, Erzurum 95.08, Ankara 94.87, Sivas 88.85, Erzincan 88.3, Kütahya 88.26, Kayseri 86.46, Çorum 80.36, Rize 80.15, Ağrı 80.12, Bitlis 76.64, Isparta 76.54, Zonguldak 74.76, Düzce 74.3, Kastamonu 70.41, Yozgat 66.33, Bilecik 66.3, Çankırı 66, Trabzon 65.65, Bartın 64.33, Kocaeli 62.49, Sakarya 62.15, Niğde 61.31, Ordu 59.76, Bayburt 58.6, Kırklareli 58.05, Kırşehir 56.78, Malatya 55.82, Afyonkarahisar 55.37, İstanbul 55.2, Kırıkkale 54.9, Diyarbakır 52.88, Elazığ 52.55, Muş 52.54, Giresun 52.15, Balıkesir 51.92, Tekirdağ 49.86, Denizli 49.48, Karaman 49.43, Bursa 49.29, Konya 49.29, Samsun 46.6, Ardahan 45.76, Artvin 44.84, Siirt 44.4, Uşak 42.23, Batman 41.59, Karabük 41.05, Çanakkale 39.7, Nevşehir 39.68, Hakkari 39.57, Van 37.85, Gaziantep 37.84, Mardin 37.79, Burdur 37.07, Aksaray 34.99, Manisa 34.95, Yalova 33.69, Muğla 33.37, Şanlıurfa 33.14, Sinop 32.8, İzmir 32.04, Amasya 30.7, Bingöl 30.52, Kilis 28.71, Antalya 28.49, Tunceli 22.77, Şırnak 21.57, Kahramanmaraş 19.35, Adıyaman 18.34, Iğdır 16.89, Aydın 16.53, Mersin 16.48, Edirne 16.43, Adana 7.7, Osmaniye 7.66, Hatay 5.97.