HEDEP opposes motion to extend cross-border operations

DBP and HEDEP parliamentary members made a statement in the Parliament regarding the extension of the cross-border operation to Iraq and Syria for another two years.
Saliha Aydeniz, the Co-Chair of DBP, criticized the approval of this motion in the Parliament for years and granting this authority to the Presidency.
"Not a security or survival motion"
Aydeniz emphasized that the motion is not a 'security or survival motion' and stated, "This motion is a war motion against the Kurds," adding:
"This motion is an interference in the common life that the Kurds want to establish in Rojava and Iraq. Therefore, this motion is not a security motion but a motion against the existence, language, culture, and life on their own land of the Kurdish people.
"How can the bombing of water reservoirs, power plants, oil facilities, wheat depots, hospitals, mosques, and living spaces be described as security in the war against Northern and Eastern Syria?
"War means economic crisis"
"Between October 4th and October 11th, 47 civilians, including 2 children, lost their lives. Is this a threat to security? Hence, under the pretext of security, an entire people are wanted to be terrorized. The sole purpose of these motions is to fuel war on one hand and to wage war on the Kurds on the other. The Kurdish issue should be resolved through democratic means, on a democratic ground, in the Parliament. However, the government is trying to consolidate itself through wars beyond the borders and more tears, pressure, and denial within the borders using these motions."
"Another aspect of this motion is the economic crisis. The more war, the more economic crisis. The answer of Erdogan to those who say they cannot make a living, 'do you know the price of a bullet,' reveals that this war is the cause of this economic crisis. Problems cannot be solved with war, motion, and alienation. They must be resolved through democratic means.
"Problems are not solved by war"
"The Kurdish issue should not be left unresolved, but the path of negotiation should be opened. These issues will not end with trustees and isolation policies. Problems cannot be solved through war, isolation, and political operations. The solution to this issue is peace and dialogue. Those who want to mediate in the Middle East cannot play a role without creating a common ground for the Kurds.
"The opposition also has a responsibility for the motion to be brought to the Parliament. Let's discuss solutions together in the Parliament, let's talk about the agenda where we will play a role in improving the democracy of the Middle East. We will never approve the war policies of the government that wants to renew its single-person regime at every opportunity. We will not allow peoples to polarize against each other. We will say 'no' to this motion. We say that the opposition should not play a role in these violations of rights."