Health Minister evaluates Turkey's COVID-19 vaccine

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA) - Archive
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Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca has evaluated the process and effectiveness of a domestic vaccine for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) after his meeting with the Ministry's Coronavirus Scientific Committee via video conference yesterday (December 16).
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to take lives in Turkey and the world, and Turkey's struggle against the disease with all its institutions continues, Minister Koca has said in a written statement after the meeting.
Koca has also discussed the progress regarding an imported vaccine and said, "The contract concluded discussed strategies to be carried out with the arrival of the inactive vaccine, the first batch of which is expected to arrive in Turkey." As reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA), the Minister has shared the following information about the issue:
'Inactive vaccine prepared for Phase 2'
"Meanwhile, it has been stated that our promising domestic vaccine studies will play a role in resolving the problem in the medium and long term.
"The Phase I clinical trial of an inactive vaccine has already come to an end and is being prepared for Phase II studies. Simultaneously, with two inactive and two adenovirus-based vaccines, it is similar to a virus. The particle vaccine has also reached the Phase I stage, and after the necessary investigations, the first research products will be produced and put into use.
CLICK - Phase-1 studies of 'domestic' vaccine completed
About Sinovac, Pfizer and Sputnik V vaccines
"In our country, Phase III studies of an inactive [Sinovac] and an mRNA [Pfizer] vaccine are ongoing. Chronic toxicity studies of an adenovirus [Sputnik V] vaccine are being carried out before Phase III.
"The Phase III study of this vaccine is expected to start as soon as possible. Based on the available data, it has been stated that there are no significant side effects in the Phase III studies conducted in our country, as well as the information obtained on the reliability of the inactive vaccine."
COVID-19 aşı hazırlıklarının en yoğun olduğu bir dönemde DSÖ tarafından aşı ile önlenen hastalıklardan kızamıkçık hastalığının elimine edildiği ülke olma müjdesini aldık. Aynı başarıyı COVID-19 mücadelesinde de gösterme kararlılığındayız.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) December 16, 2020