He was put on trial at the age of 17, sentenced to 22 years in prison

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson and Mardin MP Ebru Günay has submitted a Parliamentary question about Kadri Sancar, who was arrested at the age of 17 and sentenced to 22 years in prison.
The Parliamentary question of the MP has underlined that Sancar was put on trial without even being taken to the courtroom as his trial was held via the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS).
'Right to a fair trial violated'
Ebru Günay has shared the following information about the issue:
"Having taken refuge in a home in Mardin's Dargeçit during the curfews in 2015-2016, children named K.S., Ö.K., İ.A., B.A., H.T., R.A. and S.D were detained by special operations teams and arrested.
"Still held in the Aliağa Şakran Prison, Kadri Sancar's 22-year prison term has recently been upheld by the Court of Cassation.
"Sentenced to 22 years in prison, Kadri Sancar was made to stand before the judge only via the SEGBİS during his judicial process and his several rights, especially his right to a fair trial, were violated.
"In 2015, the children aged 15 to 17 were subjected to the torture of special operations police officers. Aged 17 at the time, Kadri Sancar had a belt fastened around his neck and was dragged on the ground. Four months later, his family said that there were still bruises under his eyes.
"Held in the prison in Midyat for nearly 1.5 months, the children were sent to the Şakran Juvenile Prison in İzmir. According to the reports, they were not given food or water during their nearly one-day journey".
'Will the torturous police officers be investigated?'
Accordingly, HDP Mardin MP Ebru Günay has asked Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül the following questions about the issue:
"Will you take action to ensure that the trial of Kadri Sancar, who was younger than 18 when he was arrested and sentenced to 22 years in prison, will be held again and that the necessary legal proceedings will start by granting him his all rights, especially the right to a fair trial?
"Will you do the necessary to ensure that all fundamental rights and freedoms, especially the access to justice and the right to a fair trial, can be exercised and the legal proceedings function as required?
"Will you launch the necessary investigation against the special operations police officers who tortured the children who were taken into custody in Dargeçit during the curfews in the year 2015?
"Will you, as the Ministry, take action to identify the violations of rights in prisons and to make the necessary improvements?"