HDP Women to Strike on March 8

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) women MPs have announced they will join the March 8 International Women's Day strike.
The call for a strike came from Argentina, where women rallied around the "Solidarity is our weapon". To date, women from over 30 countries plan to participate in the International Women's Strike (IWS).
HDP İstanbul MP Filiz Kerestecioğlu announced that women MPs will "take a break at the parliament" on March 8 and noted:
"We carry the strike to the parliaments and our struggle to the streets. On March 8, all our women MPs are going to be together with other women in other provinces and will halt their work at the parliament. We will continue our fight until all the leaders abandon their misogynous policies, offer medical care, including abortion for all women, free of charge, and develop effective politics to fight against all rape, sexual violence and other sorts of violence against women!
"Take a break at the Parliament on March 8! We know that the world is in a crisis at the moment, but we refuse to be the victims of this crisis".
Women's organizations, on the other hand, announced that they will not join the strike but will instead "support the strike with their flexible way of demonstration". (ÇT/DG)