HDP visits main opposition CHP, shares its declaration

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The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) has announced that it will share its declaration of "Call for Justice, Democracy and Peace Declaration" dated September 27, 2021 with the opposition parties.
Within this framework, an HDP delegation paid the first visit to the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) yesterday (October 7).
Accordingly, HDP Vice Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan, HDP Parliamentary Group Deputy Chair Saruhan Oluç and HDP Mersin MP Fatma Kurtulan visited CHP Vice Chair Oğuz Kaan Salıcı, CHP Secretary General Selin Sayek Böke and CHP İstanbul MP Mehmet Bekaroğlu.
CLICK - 'We can resolve the Kurdish question with HDP,' says main opposition leader Kılıçdaroğlu
Following the meeting at the CHP Central Office in the capital city of Ankara, CHP's Oğuz Kaan Salıcı has shared a brief message on Twitter and said:
The HDP delegation visited our Central Office and presented its Democracy Stance Document. We exchanged opinions on the Democracy Stance Document during the visit.
HDP heyeti, Genel Merkezimizi ziyaret ederek, Demokrasi Tutum Belgesi'ni sundu. Ziyarette Demokrasi Tutum Belgesi üzerine görüş alışverişinde bulunduk. pic.twitter.com/pK6qxuF2Lh
— Oğuz Kaan Salıcı (@oguzksalici) October 7, 2021
What does the declaration say?
The HDP declaration puts forward 11 points:
1. A strong democracy
"We believe that Turkey's fundamental need is to achieve a strong democracy based on the principles of participation, negotiation and democratic consensus, where universal fundamental rights and freedoms are ensured in the widest way possible. Within this framework, we envision a democratic parliamentary system that warrants a pluralistic parliament with broad authorities, ensures the separation of powers, and implements an effective system of checks and balances.
"A strong democracy also requires an understanding of subsidiarity and local government. This is why the principle of the separation of powers should be expanded so as to include local governments; authorities and resources should be delegated to the local governments; and local participatory mechanisms should function fully in a strong local democracy. It would be impossible to build a strong democracy without these.
2. An impartial and independent judiciary
"The Judiciary is under the tutelage of the Executive. The understanding in power has destroyed justice in every sense by redesigning politics and the society through the judiciary while turning the judiciary into an instrument to liquidate the opposition. That is why all politically motivated trials, convictions and their consequences should be rescinded as a necessity towards restoring justice and social peace.
"To address injustices and right the wrongs, it is also an urgent need to comply with the decisions and recommendations of international institutions, first and foremost those of the the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), and the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), regarding rights violations, unlawful prison conditions, solitary confinement, and the like.
3. People's will instead of regime of trustees
"Legal amendments must be introduced as a matter of urgency to put an end to the regime of trustees which has permeated many institutions from local authorities and universities and civil society organizations, violates the right to elect and be elected, usurps the will of the people, disregards electoral justice. Steps must also be taken to redress the damage inflicted by this regime and the rights of the victims of the trusteeship must be restored.
4. A democratic resolution of Kurdish issue
"The most deeply-rooted issue Turkey needs to resolve is the Kurdish issue. HDP is committed to a democratic resolution and peace and stands ready to do whatever it can, to assume a constructive role that takes into consideration problems and concerns of all segments of the society in Turkey. Establishing a dialogue with interlocutors for the resolution of this problem is directly linked to and intertwined with the democratization of the republic. Instead of policies of denial and repression, steps for a democratic and peaceful resolution must be taken. The Parliament should lay the foundations for dialogue and resolution and by utilizing democratic negotiation methods it should facilitate and be the focus of efforts to win over the future for the society at large. Within this perspective, all universal identity-related rights (chief among them the right to mother-tongue) should be guaranteed by introducing the necessary legal arrangements.
"Instead of policies of war, arms and conflict, options of dialogue and negotiation impose themselves from a historical point of view, and as such are vitally important. For this, by taking into account the interests of peoples of Turkey and their future, everybody should make the necessary sacrifices and take action. It is our principle to resolve our differences by talking, by negotiating and by dialogue rather than violence.
5. A peaceful foreign policy
"Strategies that are pro-peace at home, in the region and the world and that are based on long-term cooperation should be the basis of the foreign policy understanding of the new era. It is to the benefit of us all to move away from adventurous policies that are based on war and conflict, and the show of military might with other countries, most importantly with our neighbours. Instead, we need to pursue a strong and principled diplomacy, dialogue and peaceful policies based on improved relations in every field.
6. Freedom and equality for women
"Rights pertaining to gender equality and freedom for women should be assured in every way possible and to achieve equality in representation the practice of co-chairship should be disseminated further. At the same time, it is a necessity to fight against systematic male violence towards women and femicides. Re-enacting the Istanbul Convention and implementing it fully, eliminating political, administrative, economic and cultural barriers in front of gender equality are among the urgent first steps that need to be taken.
7. Fairness in economy
"It is imperative to implement policies that will root out the precariousness and despondency created by the economic crisis. With the aim of increasing employment and ensuring fair distribution of wealth a 'Fair Distribution Program' that will eradicate unemployment and poverty is the biggest social need. Budgetary resources should be mobilized to achieve the economic welfare of the people rather than palaces, wars and cronies. Basic needs such as electricity, natural gas, water and internet should be provided free of charge as part of a 'Social Rights Program' which should be extended to those in need.
"Solving problems of victims of Delayed Pension Age, victims of student debt and teachers who have not been appointed are the urgent needs of the society. Improving the living conditions of pensioners, relieving the debt of farmers accrued due to wrongful policies, supporting tradespeople whose grievances have been tremendously aggravated during the pandemic are some of the first steps that need to be taken. It is also imperative to implement policies to eradicate women's poverty and to ensure their active participation in the workforce. Unionization, collective bargaining and the right to strike must also be ensured in line with universal standards.
8. Merit in public administration
"Public administration should not be the domain of recruitment for cronies under the monopoly of the ruling bloc. Grievances of those expelled from public duty due to political motives and decree-laws should be redressed, all sorts of discrimination in public recruitment and appointments should be stopped and merit should be made the only basis.
9. Respect for nature
"State of emergency must be announced in the face of the climate crisis. Projects (chief among them Kanal Istanbul) that cause rampant exploitation of nature and the environment, damage forests, agricultural areas and rivers for profit, that upset the ecological balance should be stopped. Energy, transportation, urbanization and agriculture-related policies should be based on a nature rights-focused approach. Every living being's right to survival within a healthy ecosystem should be ensured through effective policy making. Forest fires, floods can only be stopped thus.
10. Freedom for youth
"The life preferences of the young should be respected, they should be able to express themselves and live freely. To ensure this, all barriers in economic, social and political domains should be eradicated with a special focus on education and culture. Shortcomings of the educational system must be addressed and improved. For a free and safe life, these are indispensable. Young people should also be supported economically, they should be included in administration in every field, which will help creative and progressive ideas to hold sway in society.
11. A democratic constitution
"A civilian, libertarian and new constitution, a social contract in the true sense of the word will be the harbinger of a new beginning and the crowning achievement of democratization in Turkey.
"This constitution should be based on equal citizenship with respect towards different cultures, identities, faiths and native languages, ways of life and a secular way of life. Drafting of the constitution should include all segments of the society and should be executed with a method that is based on democratic participation and social negotiation." (KÖ/SD)