HDP to Germany’s Maas: We reject criminalizing remarks

* Photo: Hazem Turika / AA
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The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) has criticized the statement of Germany's Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the HDP closure case.
In a letter addressed by HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar to Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, the party has condemned the remarks of "We expect the HDP to clearly distance itself from the PKK, which is listed as a terrorist organisation also in the EU."
Listing a series of criticisms about the political pressures and unlawful practices in Turkey, the Foreign Ministry made the above remarks in the last paragraph of its written statement about the issue.
Buldan and Sancar have sent a letter to Maas in response to these remarks associating the HDP with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
Referring to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its ally Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), the HDP Co-Chairs have criticized that the Foreign Ministry of Germany used the narrative of "HDP's need for distancing itself from the PKK," which is frequently used by the AKP-MHP to criminalize the HDP and to make the political sphere nonfunctional.
'It contradicts the EU values'
The letter of the party chairs has underlined that the related remarks contradict the values of the European Union (EU) and European Council, especially the freedom of political organization and expression.
Emphasizing that there is no legal ground for using these remarks against the HDP, which is the third biggest party of Turkey and received the votes of millions of voters, the HDP has reminded the Minister that political parties such as the People's Labor Party (HEP), Democracy Party (DEP), Freedom and Democracy Party (ÖZDEP), People's Democracy Party (HADEP) and Democratic Society Party (DTP) were closed for similar reasons in the past.
At this point, the party has also reminded Maas that the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) gave a ruling of right violation as per the Article 11 of the ECHR in applications about all of these parties.
HDP Co-Chairs have also requested information as to the concrete and legal grounds underpinning such a call to the party.
The letter has defined it as "unacceptable" that the HDP, which has taken a stance in favor of social peace, democracy and freedoms in the face of monism and unlawfulness, is faced with such an attitude.
Referring to the judgements and resolutions of the ECtHR, Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and to the reports of the Venice Commission, the letter of the HDP has underlined that the accusations and oppressive actions against the party are devoid of any grounds.
Rejecting the Foreign Ministry statement that could be made despite all these, the party has requested that the Foreign Ministry of Germany review the issue again within this framework. (HA/SD)