HDP submits bill to compensate 1942 'Wealth Tax' on minorities

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People's Democratic Party (HDP) has submitted a bill to the Parliament on 'Wealth Tax' exactly 80 years after it was adopted. Speaking on behalf of his party, Garo Paylan who belongs to the Armenian minority of Türkiye said, "80 years have passed but it is not late for justice."
"Exactly 80 years before, on November 11, 1942, the parliament unanimously adopted the Wealth Tax Law. It was this parliament that adopted this law. That day was a dark day for the Republic of Türkiye.
"Of course, a country can decide for a wealth tax, but this law was targeting the minorities. It was targeting Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and Jews and the prime minister of the time confessed this.
"My grandfather lived through this"
"With the Wealth Tax, the Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and Jews who had already fallen apart lived through another tragedy. 80 years ago is not the subject of historians. My grandfather lived through this.
"In Malatya my grandfather, whose elders were wiped off already, worked and purchased a house. He married, he had children. He had one workplace where he made shoes.
"If my grandfather owned 10 lira, they requested he pays 50 lira of wealth tax. Five times of his wealth.
"And what was his wealth anyway? One house, one shop and his tools. My grandfather could not pay this tax. He tried to sell his possessions.
"Nobody offered him even one tenth of the value. What happened in the end? They sent my grandfather to Aşkele, to shovel snow, to break stones.
" 80 years passed but it is not late for justice. I invite the Parliament to take responsibility in order to get clear from this fault, compensate for losses caused with this law adopted 80 years before and to apologize from the victims." (EMK/PE/VK)