HDP on Silvan Incidents

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Committee has made a statement as to operations conducted in Turkey's southeastern Silvan district of Diyarbakır province whose three neighborhoods have been imposed curfew for nine days.
HDP saying "There shouldn't be any problem that we can't solve by discussing", has called on the government to stop the operations and solve the issue by means of negotiation by respecting political will of Kurdish people.
HDP briefly said the followings:
"Reliable information cannot be obtained regarding dead and wounded"
"It is the 9th day of curfew in Silvan. Reliable information cannot be obtained regarding dead and wounded. Hundreds of houses and work places have become unusable.
"There isn't bread, electricity, nor water in many neighborhoods. Internet and cell phones are not accessible in the district.
"Helicopter and unmanned air vehicles tour around in the sky. Operations are launched by special forces, gendarmerie, military tanks, armored vehicles, shells, and snipers in the district. Shellings by tanks deployed on hills of the district continue".
"Silvan is in Turkey"
"Dose of state violence and violation of rights has been increasing incrementally. All basic human rights notably right to live have been violated.
"Silvan is within the borders of Turkey. Residents of the district are Republic of Turkey citizens. The reason why they have to endure cruelty is them looking out for their political will, defending their rights, and struggling for freedom and equality against cruelty.
"You cannot oppress peoples' democratic demand with tanks, shelling and cruelty. Attacks in Silvan and other districts are not "fighting against terror" but operation of oppressing peoples and cowing them into submission".
Bar is in Silvan too
Diyarbakır Bar as well carries on with its examination of civilian deaths in Silvan. Diyarbakır Bar President Tahir Elçi said many civilian deaths occurred within the nine days of curfew and called for the operations to be halted. (EKN/TK)
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