HDP MP’s Parliamentary Question on ISIS Rejected: It Doesn’t Comply with By-law

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Siirt MP Meral Danış-Beştaş submitted a Parliamentary question to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) Speaker's Office on March 22, 2019. Addressed to Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu, the question was about Abu Mansur al Magrebi, who is allegedly the ambassador of ISIS to Turkey.
In her question, Danış-Beştaş referred to the statements of Al Magrebi, who reportedly said, "My duty was to manage the relations of ISIS with the intelligence of Turkey. I held several face-to-face meetings with the National Intelligence Organization (MİT). Most of the meetings were held in Turkish military facilities. Meetings were made especially in Antep and Ankara."
Danış-Beştaş asked the allegations about Al Magrebi
Danış-Beştaş also added the following remarks of Al Magrebi to her Parliamentary question:
"There were some agreements and tolerance between the Turkish intelligence and ISIS security forces about the injured militants' crossing the border. I had several face-to-face meetings with the Turkish Intelligence organization MİT. I was crossing the border easily, a vehicle was allocated to me and we were going in company with guards. I had two or three people with me and I was the leader of the crew.
"We made an agreement to send our injured to Turkish hospitals. The ones who went there for medical treatment were not asked to present their passports, the doors were completely open. Ambulances could cross the border without any questions. If we informed them in advance, we could cross the border as we wished. The injured were sent to private hospitals across Turkey, depending on their conditions."
Alleging that President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wanted to meet him in person, but the meeting did not take place, Al Magrebi further claimed that he made agreements with senior officers of AKP government responsible for security affairs.
Question rejected for 'not complying with the by-law'
Based on these allegations, HDP Siirt MP Danış-Beştaş submitted a Parliamentary question to be responded by Minister of Interior Soylu. The Speaker's Office of the Parliament answered the Parliamentary question on June 24, informing the MP that her question was rejected.
Being returned to Danış-Beştaş, the question's reason for rejection has been indicated as "not abiding by the provisions of the by-law."
"A Parliamentary question is asked to inquire about clear and particular issues that are not personal or related with private lives of people and without putting forward any personal opinions," the Speaker's Office has further indicated in its justification of rejection.
In response, Danış-Beştaş has underlined that the content of her Parliamentary question was solely based on Magrebi's allegations, adding that the allegations in question "do not have a personal aspect and undoubtedly concern the whole public." (HA/SD)