HDP MP: Private Hospitals Charge Fees for Covid-19 Treatment Despite Order by Ministry

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Private hospitals continue to charge fees for tests and treatment of Covid-19, according to Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) MP Garo Paylan.
Submitting a parliamentary question to Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, Paylan asked, "Why don't you provide free and equal treatment to all our citizens by expropriating private hospitals that provide coronavirus treatment, as Spain did?"
According to a circular published by the Ministry of Health on March 20, all tests and treatment of the disease at hospitals affiliated with the ministry, state hospitals, hospitals of foundation universities and private hospitals should be free of charge.
"Despite the circular you have published, private hospitals charge fees for coronavirus testing and treatment," Paylan stated.
Upon Article 98 of the Constitution and Articles 96 an 99 of the Internal Regulation of the parliament, Paylan asked the following questions to the minister:
"Why do you allow private hospitals to charge exorbitant fees to treat coronavirus patients?
"Why don't you provide free and equal treatment to all our citizens by expropriating private hospitals that provide coronavirus treatment, as Spain did?
"Why don't you issue a circular declaring that coronavirus treatment is completely free in all hospitals, without public-private distinction?" (AÖ/VK)