HDP: Let’s pull the brick* and let the truth come to light

* Photo: HDP
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During the Central Executive Board meeting of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay has addressed the reporters and talked about the recent developments in Turkey.
Referring to the recent revelations made by Sedat Peker, who is facing a warrant for leading a criminal organization, as well as to the statements of government officials, Ebru Günay has briefly stated the following:
'Decay was the beginning of the end'
"It is not the first time that Turkey has been faced with a situation where the politics-mafia-bureaucracy relations are revealed or with the fact that there are relations of serious decay and corruption in politics.Their roots date way back in history. It was in the 1990s that the most concrete information as to the development of such a mafia order by the policies of lack of resolution for the Kurdish question, annihilation, denial and war was disclosed.
"According to the plan which was called the '93 concept' in that period, the mindset which was based on a lack of resolution for the Kurdish question waged an all-out war against the Kurds. In the 1990s, grave crimes were committed, such as thousands of unidentified murders and the burning and eviction of villages. The law was totally put aside to manage all these; illegal and unregistered relations were established within the state. The state came into contact with gangs and mafia groups.
"The resulting dirty network of war was revealed by the Susurluk accident and the decay became the beginning of the end for the dirty government.
'Government's policies reinforce gang order'
"Today, the dirty relations, drug and arms trafficking develop within Turkey as part of the 2014 Crackdown Plan against the Kurdish people; and outside Turkey with the aim of getting involved in the civil war in Syria with proxy gangs and preventing Kurds from having a political status.
"This government's policies of all-out war and conflict against the gains of Kurds through armed gangs especially in Syria have been reinforcing the order of gangs within the country... The recent developments show that as long as the Kurdish question does not come to a democratic and peaceful conclusion and as long as the concept of war and conflict does not come to an end, there will be no end to illicit and unlawful relations, the order of crime, the alliance of criminals and ganging up."
'It indicates the end of an era'
Further in her statement, HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay has referred to the ruling alliance of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), briefly saying, "The politics-mafia relations that have recently been disclosed as a result of the inner conflicts and controversies within the ruling bloc and struggles for obtaining market and unearned income show that yet another era has come to an end."
According to Günay, "The ruling AKP-MHP bloc has been going through a serious disintegration in the face of society's demands for freedom that cannot be stopped or repressed. For this reason, in an environment where the legal system has been destroyed, the opposition is brought under pressure on a daily basis by arbitrary decisions implemented when needed."
'Let's pull the brick and change this dark order'
Ebru Günay has briefly added:
"The parting of ways ahead of us is clear: We will either change this mafia order all together or this order will keep doing what it has been doing with the same mentality for decades by fixing itself.
"In the face of this order based on mafia, gang and dirty relations, let's pull this brick together and change this dark order together. Let's pull the brick and let the truth come to light. Let's pull the brick and pave the way for peace and democracy. Let's pull the brick and make way for jobs, daily bread and freedom. Let's pull the brick and end the plunder of nature and massacre of women. Let's all believe that we are strong enough to pull the brick. The brick can be pulled by peoples' common will and joint struggle.
"The oppressed people, laborers, women and young people who meet under the widest possible roof of democracy alliance can pull the brick. Let's join forces and pull this brick." (AS/SD)
* About "Pull a brick, let the wall come down": According to a book by Güldal Mumcu, the spouse of journalist Uğur Mumcu, who was killed in an unidentified murder on January 24, 1993; when she told Mehmet Ağar, the then Interior Minister of Turkey, "We are constantly faced by obstacles. As if a wall was being built," Mehmet Ağar responded, "Yes, Güldal, a wall is being built." When Güldal Mumcu said, "Then, pull a brick, let the wall come down," Ağar reportedly said, "I cannot." Inspired by this anecdote, the HDP has launched a campaign of "Let's pull the brick" in a quest for truth and justice.