HDP: Happy Kurdish Journalism Day

* Photo: Mezopotamya Agency (MA)
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Today is April 22 Kurdish Journalism Day.
On April 22, 1898, Kurdistan Newspaper, considered to be the first newspaper printed in Kurdish, was published by Mîqdat Mîdhed Bedirxan in Cairo. This day has long been marked as the Kurdish Journalism Day.
Published 124 years ago every two weeks, the Kurdistan Newspaper came out 31 times. It started to be published outside the territory of the country due to the repressive practices of the Ottomans. All in all, the newspaper laid the groundwork for the Kurdish press.
On this occasion, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Vice Co-Chair Responsible for the Press and Propaganda Commission and MP Tayip Temel released a written statement about the Kurdish Journalism Day.
The MP underlined that "this journey, which began in exile 124 years ago, has always been targeted by the rulers, who maintained their existence with denial and considered annihilation to be essential."
"With a breathless struggle waged and heavy prices paid, the Kurdish press and the tradition of free press have preserved their existence in the face of all attacks and they are still playing a crucial role in illuminating society and making the voice of the people heard," said the MP.
"Despite the conditions of repression and violence, Kurdish journalism goes along on its path, never making any concessions from the path or tradition of struggle created by journalists such as Mîqdat Mîdhed Bedirxa and Musa Anter," added Temel, referring to two prominent Kurdish journalists.
'Defending Kurdish people is a legacy'
Further in his statement, HDP's Tayip Temel underlined that "today, the Kurdish press is facing a much bigger danger."
According to the MP, "being made to take sides in the attacks of annihilation launched against the gains of the Kurdish people and the desire to turn them into instruments to serve the interests of the rulers pose the biggest threat and danger faced by the Kurdish people."
HDP MP Temel said, "Defending the rights of the Kurdish people and considering freedom to be essential are required by the journey initiated by the Kurdistan Newspaper and the heritage it created."
On the occasion of the Kurdish Journalism Day, we call on the related circles to make publications and broadcasts by observing the interests and freedom of the people and defending the truth in the face of the attacks targeting the existence of the Kurdish people.
Concluding his statement, Temel commemorated all press workers who lost their lives on this path and wished a Happy Kurdish Journalism Day "to the press workers who considered the truth to be essential despite all pressures." (EMK/SD)