HDP Co-Chair Buldan: Government is Responsible For Health of Demirtaş, Our Friends

* Photo: Murat Kaynak / AA
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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Pervin Buldan spoke at the weekly group meeting of her party today (December 3).
Addressing a series of issues, especially the health condition of imprisoned former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş, Buldan said, "This government will be responsible for each and every unfavorable situation to be faced by Demirtaş, Yüksekdağ and all of our friends, including their health."
CLICK - Demirtaş in Prison Again After Medical Examinations
Sharing information about Demirtaş's state of health, Pervin Buldan made the following remarks in brief:
"I would like to especially say this: He did not want his health problems to be announced to the public. He did not share this situation with our friends and attorneys who went to the prison, either. He did not inform them about the situation. Yesterday, the moment we learnt about it, we sent our fellow MPs Erol Katırcıoğlu and Necdet İpekyüz to Edirne. They met Dear Demirtaş. And, today, Dear Mithat Sancar and Fatma Kurtulan have gone to Edirne.
"As we were informed yesterday, fortunately, he is fine. He was referred to a full-fledged hospital thanks to the attempts of our party. The necessary checks and examinations were done. I would like to say that his general state of health is good for now and we closely follow the developments.
"Imprisoned in an unlawful manner for 3 years, Dear Demirtaş, Dear [former HDP Co-Chair] Figen Yüksekdağ and our all arrested fellow MPs, co-mayors and ill inmates should be released immediately and this unlawfulness and policy of hostage-taking should be ended. This government will be responsible for each and every unfavorable situation to be faced by Demirtaş, Yüksekdağ and all of our friends, including their health."
'They have begun a hunt for HDP members'
Reminding the audience that almost half of the HDP has been behind bars, Buldan also indicated that almost 150 people, including HDP and Democratic Society Congress (DTK) executives as well as human rights defenders and journalists, were detained last week:
"Understanding that it will be dropped from the political league, the AKP government has been conducting operations of detention against the HDP day and night.
"Over the last month, almost 350 people, among whom were also our co-mayors and party executives, were taken into custody as part of operations targeting our party in Van, Antalya, Antep, Mardin, Urfa, Batman, Kocaeli and İstanbul, the vast majority of these people have been arrested. Almost half of the HDP has been behind bars. The police of the AKP, the prosecutor of the AKP have literally begun a hunt for HDP members."
'It is the epitome of black humor'
Buldan also touched upon the veto of President Erdoğan against the bill postponing the installation of filters to thermal power plants:
CLICK - Erdoğan Vetoes Bill Postponing Installation of Filters to Coal-Fired Plants
"The law postponing the installation of filters to thermal plants and approved by the Parliament has been vetoed by the President as a result of growing public outrage. The AKP MPs who passed this law spilling out death are now thanking Erdoğan for his veto. It is the epitome of black humor."
'Feminicides are under the responsibility of the state'
Addressing male violence against women as well, Pervin Buldan reminded the audience that Ayşe Tuba Arslan lost her life in Eskişehir after being attacked by her ex-husband with a chopping knife:
CLICK - Council of Judges and Prosecutors to Investigate Feminicide of Ayşe Tuba Arslan
"Unfortunately, she lost her life in a chopping knife-attack launched by the person whom she divorced six months ago and against whom she had a restraining order. Even though she filed 23 criminal complaints, her appeals ended in non-prosecution.
"The justification of the prosecutor's office is well-known and familiar: 'Lack of evidence and witnesses'. In fact, both the evidence and the witness are apparent. There is no judiciary that will take them into consideration. And, the non-prosecution of the judiciary, leads to feminicides. Feminicides are committed under the responsibility of the state, government, judiciary and security institutions." (AÖ/SD)