HDP closure case file handed over to rapporteur
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People's Democratic Party (HDP) did not attend the hearing today (April 11) at the Constitutional Court (AYM) which was set by the supreme court as the plea date for the party in the HDP Closure Case.
In the judicial process that started after the indictment prepared by the Chief Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Cassation for the closure of the party was accepted on June 21, 2021, it was first decided that the HDP officials would plead verbally on March 14, 2023.
An extention of time was granted to the party upon their request and the plea date was postponed to April 11. However, the request of the party to postpone the plea date to a date after the May 14 elections was rejected.
On April 6, HDP submitted a petition to the supreme court stating its decision not to plead verbally today.
The General Assembly of AYM today discussed the decision of the party not to plead verbally and recorded it. The assembly decided for the case file to be handed over to the AYM rapporteur in order for the opinion as to the accusations to be prepared.
HDP closure case
The Court of Cassation launched an inquiry against HDP on March 2, 2021, and the Chief Public Prosecutor of the Court of Cassation Bekir Şahin applied to the Constitutional Court on March 17, 2021, demanding the closure of the HDP and many of its members banned from politics.
A two-thirds majority, or votes of 10 of the 15 Constitutional Court members, are necessary to close the party or to impose other sanctions on the party, such as wholly or partially depriving it of public aid.
Those who have been imposed a political ban will not be able to be founders, members, executives, or supervisors of any other political party for five years.
Risking closure, HDP decided to compete in the May 14 elections under the Green Left Party (YSP). (AS/PE)