HDP asks about allegations concerning Ziraat Bank in Germany

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Garo Paylan has submitted a Parliamentary question about the allegations that Germany's Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) will appoint a trustee to the Frankfurt-based Ziraat Bank International AG.
In his Parliamentary question addressed to Minister of Treasury and Finance Lütfi Elvan, HDP MP Paylan has asked whether the allegations that the money collected with high interest rates at state-owned Ziraat Bank's affiliate in Germany was transferred to Turkey are true.
High fines and appointment of a trustee
Paylan has also recalled that the prospective director generals of Ziraat Bank proposed by Turkey have been rejected by the authorities in Germany on the grounds that they are not experienced in banking.
"It is foreseen that Germany's Federal Financial Supervisory Authority will impose huge fines due to the irregularities it has detected at Ziraat Bank and that it will appoint a trustee in place of the general directors rejected on the grounds of incompetence," the MP has underlined.
Garo Paylan has asked the following questions:
- How have you brought Ziraat Bank to such a point that a trustee will be appointed to it in Germany?
- Will you reveal the circle of corruption at Ziraat Bank Germany?
- Why didn't you appoint a competent Director General to Ziraat Bank Germany?
- There is an allegation that the money collected with high interest rates at Ziraat Bank Germany was transferred to Turkey. Is it true?
- Will you say stop to wasting the resources in Germany that were supposed to be used to support farmers in Turkey?
- Have you launched an investigation against the ones responsible for the scandal at Ziraat Bank Germany?