HDP Appeals to UN for Extrajudicial Executions and Enforced Disappearances

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş demanded an investigation from United Nations (UN) Rapporteur Christof Heyns on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
HDP Co-Chairs requested summary executions and enforced disappearances to be investigated.
Highlights from the appeal of HDP to UN:
“Targeting and sacrificing civilians during the conflicts, the judgement is under the effect of the government since the government itself hides information and documents from judgment officials and prevents incidents from being illuminated.
Similar incidents
It was stated that same incidents occurred in Turkey but the governments didn’t execute legally, as well.
It was remarked that UN organs should make an investigation against those incidents and added the government adopted ‘impunity’ policy.
“We are most worried that these kind of extrajudicial executions and mass murders of civilians may happen increasingly,”
“At this point, we care about international institutions and administrative organs have the power of sanction and preventive force,” said HDP Co-Chairs.
Demand of investigation
“As the applicant and notifying parts, we call for your rapporteur to launch an investigation against extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions in Turkey based upon aforementioned reasons." (YY/BD)
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