HDK Women’s Assembly: 240 Women Politicians Behind Bars

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Ahead of November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Women's Assembly has released a statement and raised concerns that systematic male violence against women has been on the increase.
'Male-dominant mindset even decides when women should die'
Referring to the feminicide of Güleda Cankel on November 18 as the result of "misogynist policies of the government", the Assembly has indicated,
"The murderer of Güleda Cankel shared a video on social media, where he said, 'You cannot die when you want.' With this message, the male-dominant mindset, which determines how women should live and, even, how and when they should die, is before us with its whole atrocity.
"Fascist and misogynist policies imposing pressure, violence and obedience on women at home, on the street, at work and in school have been massacring women; when they fail to massacre them, they condemn the women to a lifelong persecution by turning them into living dead."
'We will be on the streets'
On this occasion, the HDK Women's Assembly has raised concerns that several problems faced by women, including the attempts to withdraw from the İstanbul Convention and to abolish women's right to alimony and the increasing incidents of domestic violence and suicide, are a result of "the war policies pursued by the fascist power holders in Turkey and abroad."
Reminding the public that several women co-mayors have been removed from office, detained and arrested, the Assembly has announced that there are currently around 240 women politicians behind bars.
The HDK Women's Assembly has concluded its statement by calling on women to join them on the streets on November 25:
"On November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, after Mirabal Sisters, we, as the women of HDK, will be on the streets with millions of women around the world so that we will not lose one more woman by struggling against all types of violence in an organized manner, protecting the gains of women, increasing solidarity and joint struggle and with hope and persistence." (EMK/SD)