#HayatıDurduruyoruz* Protests in Turkey

In accordance with strike decision upon the bombing at Labor, Peace, Democracy Rally in Ankara, Turkey-wide strike is being worked.
The Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions(DİSK), the Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Unions of Turkey (KESK), Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), Turkish Medical Association (TTB), announced to strike for October 12-13 upon the explosion.
TTB Central Council said that the treatment of emergency patients, dialysis patients, pregnants, children, cancer patients, intensive care patients will continue. In social media the strike is being supported by saying "We stop production, don't attend classes, live our mourning! We hang black fabrics on our cars, houses! Enough already! We know your murderer. #HayatıDurduruyoruz!"
Uniersities protest
İCommemoration and strike rally were held in İstanbul Boğaziçi University for Ankara upon call by Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim Sen)
People started to gather in İzmir Dokuz Eylül University upon call by Eğitim Sen.
Edirne Trakya University students will march at 12:30 p.m.
Students protest in İstanbul University.
Eğitim-Sen İstanbul Branc No:6.
Galatasaray University protests as well.
Ege University students protested the attack by marching.
İstanbul Kadıköy High School students too protested the attack.
Antalya Akdeniz University students have organized march.
Ankara Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) students have also organized march.
Students boycott in Davutpaşa campus of İstanbul Yıldız Teknik University.
Adana Çukurova University students boycott.
İstanbul Koç University students have called for boycott.
Unions and trade bodies are on strike
Erzurum KESK members have marched.
TMMOB members marched in Samsun.
Health Workers' Union (SES) members have marched in front of İstanbul Çapa Hospital for strike.
Teachers march in Bakırköy.
ABB Kartal workers.
Gebze Çayırova boru işçileri. Gebze Çayırove pipe workers.
Konvekta workers.
Mert Akışkan workers.
Penta salt workers.
Protest and commemoration everywhere
Commemoration for Ali Kitapçı in front of Ankara Terminal.
Tradesmen have hung black scarves on windows on Konur Street in Ankara.
A black fabric and cloves have been hung on Beyoğlu District building of Republican People's Party
* We suspend life
** Photos: Twitter
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