Hasan Ferit Murder Suspect Detected

S.A., key witness in Hasan Ferit Gedik case, testified to police authorities Wednesday night, reportedly identifying one of the three individuals who fired at them.
Advocate Aycan Çiçek attended the testimony process. S.A. said the following:
“The person I identified was one of the three individuals who fired at us at the time of the incident. He was wearing a white t-shirt. He was tall around 1.80cm with muddy facial hair. He was also a bit chubby. He fired the gun from 607 meter distance. I immediately recognized the suspect and detected him.”
Hasan Ferit Gedik murder case has been transferred to İrfan Fidan, a special anti-terror prosecutor.
“They fired 20 to 30 times”
According to witness S.A., the incident unfolded as follows:
“On the night of the incident, I heard about a demonstration through the social media. I knew Hasan Ferit for 3 to 5 months via social media. I saw that he would attend the demonstration. So I said maybe I could also join to poke and hang out with him.”
“After a short while, I came across with Hasan Ferit. We started chatting and going down the road. When demonstrators were making a press statement, Ferit and I were standing by and chattering only 100 meters away. There were stairs next to us that were leading up. Ferit was on my left side.”
“After a few minutes, a boy and his mother came down through the stairs. Behind them, there were three man whose faces were concealed due to light coming behind them. They told the woman and the boy to get inside a building. And they did so.”
“Following that, they pulled their guns and pointed towards us. There were only 6-7 meters between us. Some people told us to run in the meanwhile.”
“Ferit and I started to run. I heard a gun shot and Ferit fell on the floor. There was blood dripping. I laid down as well. They fired 20 to 30 times.”
“A huge crowd started running towards us. Slowly, I started to slide away to save myself. I tried save myself at that moment instead of thinking about Ferit. He was still lying on the floor while I was running.”
Other people witnessed as well
Advocate Evrim Deniz Karatana added that more witnesses will be summoned for testimony. 22 were detained after a police raid in Gülsuyu neighborhood where the incident originally broke out. Suspects were transferred to Istanbul Courthouse.
Hasan Ferit Gedik’s funeral ceremony was finally held after a three day police siege in Küçük Armutlu and Gülsuyu neighborhoods - Gedik’s residential location and his place of death respectively. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.
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