Guideline for First-Time Voters Living Abroad

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The Overseas Electoral Register for the Presidential and Parliamentary elections to be held on June 24, 2018 has been announced.
What do the citizens of Turkey, who will vote for the first time abroad, need to do to be able to cast their votes at the elections?
Check your voter registration
What you need to do first is to check whether you have a voter registration abroad by clicking "Yurt Dışı Seçmen Sorgulama" (Overseas Voter Check) on the official website of the Supreme Election Council (YSK).
Click to go to the page of Overseas Voter Check
Fill out the address declaration form
If you do not have a voter registration and you will cast your vote abroad, you need to fill out the form entitled "Yurtdışında yaşayanlar için Adres Beyan Formu" (Address Declaration Form for the Ones Living Abroad).
Click to download the Address Declaration Form
Submit the form to the nearest representative office
After filling the Address Declaration Form,
* You can submit the form to the nearest foreign representative office of Turkey by presenting your identity card and giving your signature, or,
* You can send the signed form as well as a copy of your identity card to the nearest foreign representative office by post.
Overseas voters can register until May 12
Electoral Register Lists will be available until May 12, 2018 so that the citizens of Turkey living abroad can check if they have voter registration. If you do not have the required registration, you can register as an overseas voter by following the aforementioned steps until May 12.
Electoral Registers will become definite on May 22, 2018.
After you register as an overseas voter, you will be eligible to vote either at the nearest foreign representative office of Turkey, to which you have submitted your application, or at the customs gates.
You can check when and where you can cast your vote by clicking the Overseas Voter Check page.
Voting procedures at 34 customs gates and 123 foreign representative offices
It will be possible to cast votes at 34 customs gates and 123 foreign representative offices of Turkey.
Votes can be casted between the dates of June 7 and June 24, 2018 at the customs gates of airports and harbors.
The exact dates designated for voting at the Presidential and Parliamentary elections in some countries are as follows:
* For more detailed information in Turkish, click to read the "Frequently Asked Questions" page prepared by the Supreme Election Council for the overseas voters.