Greenpeace: Coal-Fired Power Plants Caused 17 Thousand Premature Deaths in Afşin

*The message, "This chimney spreads toxins," was refltected on the chimney of a power plant.
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Greenpeace activists have reflected the message, "This chimney spreads toxins," on a coal-fired power plant in Afşin, Maraş, one of the worst-affected places by coal in Turkey.
The activists reflected the message on the chimney of the Afşin B power plant, owned by the Electricity Generation Company (EÜAŞ).
The Afşin Elbistan A and the Afşin Elbistan B power plants have been operative for 33 and 15 years respectively. According to a 2014 report by Greenpeace, titled "The Silent Killer," Afşin has the highest rate of deaths possibly caused by high pollution among Europe.
Emissions increase risk
According to the air modeling report by the Greenpeace, titled "The cost of the Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plants in Afşin," the emissions from the power plants in Afşin increase the risks of stroke, lung cancer, heart and respiratory tract diseases, and respiratory tract infections for children.
The report said that the pollution caused by particles that are smaller than sand particles (PM2,5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have caused 17 thousand premature deaths.
Six more power plants planned
There six more power plants are planned to be constructed in Afşin, with four of them owned by the Electricity Generation Company. According to the Greenpeace's modeling, the currently operative plants and the plants planned to be constructed will have caused 32 thousand early deaths when they completed their lives.
There are 28 operative coal-fired thermal power plants in Turkey. More than 40 coal-fired plants are planned to be constructed.
"The region is being sacrificed"
Onur Akgül, who is in charge of the Greenpeace Mediterranean Climate and Energy Project, said, "The coal has been damaging the human health and the environment for 33 years by intoxicating Afşin-Elbistan. As if this is not enough, the region is almost being sacrificed with six new power plants. Including Afşin, all the thermal power plant projects in Turkey should be abandoned. Investments should be made to renewable sources." (PT/VK)