Greenpeace Climbs 117m to Protest Turkey’s Nuclear Plant Project
Greenpeace activists climbed to one of the tallest buildings in the southern district of Mersin and hang the banner “Nuclear Costs Much” to protest Turkey’s first planned nuclear power plant in Akkuyu district.
“We have climbed to a height of 117 meters in order to raise awareness on the nuclear danger,” activists said.
Saying that the planned project had several flaws, activists also reminded that the project was totally realized by the Russian government - a situation that would not bring Turkey an energy freedom.
Greenpeace also added that Turkey’s Environment and Urbanization Ministry gave the necessary permissions to the project and approved its environmental impact report (ÇED in Turkish).
“If there will be an accident, it is unknown about who will take the responsibility of its irreversible economic and social consequences on economy. Regarding nuclear responsibility, not only Turkey didn’t regulate by laws but also international treaties are not sufficient. There is no practice for Turkey. If there will be a nuclear accident, the outcome will be hard for the region of Mersin as well as Turkey. (ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.