Green Left Party: 'We will stop the nuclear nightmare'
The Green and Left Party issued a statement on the Chornobyl Remembrance Day 37 years after the disaster and said they did not want to nuclear power stations in Akkuyu or Sinop.
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The Green Left Party (YSP) issued a statement today (AApril 26) and said, "No to nuclear power stations," recalling the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster.
The statement of YSP says, "All Europe and also our coutry was subjected to radiation on April 26, 1986 with the explosion of the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl. More than 200 thousand people died due to illnesses linked with radiation.
"We will cancel the nuclear projects"
"Thousands of people have cancer. We will stop this nightmare. We do not want a nuclear power station, neither in Akkuyu, nor in Sinop."
The party has the following in their election manifesto:
- We will cancel the nuclear power station projects and agreements.
- We will ensure that the area in Akkuyu is going to be made into an area of ecological memory named "nuclear, never again" and that Hasankeyf will be made into a social area again.
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