Green Left Party responds to threats from presidential advisor

The Green Left Party has responded to the threats of Presidential Advisor Oktay Saral targeting its Co-Spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar.
"Our female comrades, who have been involved in politics on numerous occasions, have been targeted by the male-dominated ruling power.
"We will strengthen our organization and escalate our struggle against this attack on all women in the person of Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, rest assured of that."
"Not a coincidence"
The statement continues: "The appointed Presidential Advisor, affiliated with the fascist, anti-woman government, has targeted and threatened our Co-Spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar through sexist and nationalist rhetoric on social media.
"This attack, conducted after the evaluations made by our Co-Spokesperson, once again demonstrates the extent of the hostility towards Kurds and women. It is not a coincidence that the statement, made specifically about the policies imposing a lack of resolution on the Kurdish issue, has been targeted.
"Our women comrades, who have been involved in politics on numerous occasions before, have been targeted by the male-dominated ruling power. However, with every attack, our organized strength has grown, and the women's will has prevailed."
"We will never back down"
"The women have never taken a single step back from insisting on a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. They have never and will never give up advocating for an honorable peace against war and violence policies. We will never hesitate to voice our opinions, both in politics and in all aspects of life, by organizing against the male-dominated ruling power."
"To the AKP-MHP male-dominated fascist alliance and its appointees, we remind you once again: Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar is the Co-Spokesperson of the country's third-largest party, elected by the will of the people and the will of women. She is the executor of a struggle tradition that does not kneel or submit to your oppressive policies; she represents the will of women."
"We will respond to this attack on all women by expanding our organization and escalating our struggle. Let no one doubt this." (EMK/VK)