Governorship Bans Demonstrations in Van

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The Governorship of Van has announced that all demonstrations and events have been banned in the province for seven days as of today (April 11).
In the announcement released on the official website of the Governorship, the reason of the ban has been explained as follows:
" prevent incidents of assault, to ensure the safety of life and property of our citizens, to provide national security, to protect public order and safety, to prevent committal of crimes, to protect fundamental rights and freedoms as well as the rights and freedom of others and to maintain public peace and to prevent spread of incidents of violence..."
According to the announcement of the governorship, "All actions and events such as meetings, marches, assemblies and demonstrations, statements for the press, sit-in protests and stands to be held in open space in the province have been banned for seven days from April 11 to April 17."
Decision of YSK applies to 3 mayor-elects in Van
The Supreme Election Council (YSK) has ruled that the mayor-elects who were previously discharged by statutory decrees during the State of Emergency shall not take office and their certificates of election shall be given to the candidates who have come second in local elections.
Accordingly, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) candidates who have won the local elections in the districts of Edremit, Tuşba and Çaldıran will not be granted their certificates of election.
In six districts and towns won by the HDP, there were candidates who were discharged by Statutory Decrees. In all of these places, the candidates nominated by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came second.
Mayorships won by discharged candidates in Van are as follows:
In Tuşpa, Van: HDP'nin candidate Yılmaz Berki: 52.93 percent; AKP candidate Salih Akman: 39.37 percent.
In Edremit, Van: HDP candidate Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit: 53.81 percent; AKP candidate İsmail Say 41.79 percent.
In Çaldıran, Van: HDP candidate Leyla Atsak: 53 percent; AKP candidate Şefik Ensari: 43.43 percent. (AS/SD)