Government Postpones Visit by UN Torture Rapporteur

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The visit, which was scheduled to take place from 10 to 14 October, by United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan E. Méndez, has been postponed by the Government.
In a statement on the website of the UN Human Rights High Commissioner, Méndez said the delay has caused a huge disappointment.
“While I understand that the developments in Turkey during the last months demand the government’s fullest attention, I believe that postponing my visit at this late stage sends the wrong message,” said the human rights expert.
“In light of the thousands of arrests made following the failed coup-attempt of 15 July 2016, and the allegations of severe overcrowding and poor conditions in many detention centres throughout the country, my visit is of utmost importance”.
“Basic rights cannot be suspended even during the State of Emergency”
In a statement to the French news agency AFP, UN Law Office spokesperson Jon Izagirre said that Turkey had said it was “too busy to be able to spare time for the visit” as justification for the decision.
Juan E. Méndez remarked in his statement that the torture ban and exercise of basic rights cannot be suspended even during the State of Emergency.
“Independent monitoring of the situation in places where individuals are deprived of their liberty is a crucial safeguard against ill-treatment and torture. Due to the sensitivity of my mandate there will never be a perfect time for my visit”.
While the government said the visit can be conducted in November or December, it hasn’t specified any date. (AS/TK)